Philippians 4:13 I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me
God has promised to give you what you need to accomplish all that He has created you to accomplish and He will also give you the strength to get through whatever struggle and heartache you face in life as well. So, what should you do today?
May I suggest that you begin with one simple thing? Are there changes you need to make in your life in order for you to be all you can be? You can’t change everything overnight so don’t overwhelm yourself by trying to do a bunch of drastic things, but start with one simple thing! If you want to grow spiritually but haven’t found “the time” to read your Bible on a regular basis, start by just reading 1 verse a day. Pull up Psalms or Proverbs and just read a verse a day to get you started. If you are wanting to lose weight, find one thing to change whether it is cutting out something like soda/pop or eating more veggies and fewer carbs, just start with something simple. Are you stressed out? Exercise may help! How about getting in shape? Eeeeggghhhh, the Lord has been speaking to my heart about this one……. Let’s start with one thing like walking. Whatever it is that you are feeling you need to work on in your life to make you a better you, start with 1 simple thing, and when you have mastered that and it has become a simple habit, add 1 more simple thing.
We can become stagnant by becoming “comfortable” with where we are in life or who we have become. Sometimes we want to use the excuse that we are getting older, but that is no reason to not be the best you that you can be! We need to always be working on improving who we are so we can serve Him to the best of our ability. You don’t have to do it all today, start with one little change that you can make that you are intentional about adding it to your life on a daily basis. Don’t get slack in it, take your personal growth seriously! I know it is easier said than done at times, believe me, that is why I am “starting again” to do PiYo. Don’t beat yourself up for what you haven’t done or what you cannot do, just find something simple that you can incorporate into your life that will get you started down the road to being all you can be! You can do it! The best is yet to come, but you need to do your part as well!
Quote: “The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step.” ~ Chinese Proverb