1 Corinthians 4:7 For who makes you differ from another? And what do you have that you did not receive? Now if you did indeed receive it, why do you boast as if you had not received it?
Paul was talking to the Corinthians here and he realized that they had become complacent. They were doing very well and seemed to be living a rather carefree life which wouldn’t be a problem but he felt they were living without Christ being number one in their lives.
There is nothing wrong with living well, God is the giver of all good things but when we get to a point where we live as though we don’t need God because we don’t think we need him we are missing out. Once we become complacent we start letting things slide in our walk. We don’t feel the need to be in our Bibles and we allow “little sins” that we would normally feel conviction over. It’s the time of year when it should be natural to focus on Him in all that we do, but unfortunately, there can be so many distractions as well that we fly through Christmas and instead of feeling closer in our walk with Him we are relieved it is over or wonder where the time went. Don’t miss out this year!
One reason for complacency is that we begin to take God’s blessings for granted just like they did here. Sometimes we can become complacent or maybe even have a bit of rebellious anger when we don’t stop to see the blessings in our lives that have been put there by God. It is important to keep our focus on God and to look for the blessings He has put in our lives and praise Him for it to keep our focus steady and on Him. If we are giving God glory for all that He is doing and all He is going to do in our lives we shouldn’t become complacent.
Another reason for complacency is that we take what other people think of us too seriously. We don’t always have to fit in! There are times and places where it is better to stand out for doing what is right. Don’t allow others’ opinions of you to cloud your judgment of what is important. I know it feels better sometimes to fit in than it does to be the wallflower in a group but if it compromises your convictions then it isn’t worth the price.
God has made you to shine, give Him glory for that today, and then focus on Him in all you do. That is where you will find your success in life!
Quote: “Our scars remind us of where we have been but they don’t have to dictate where we are headed.”