Psalm 90:12. So teach us to number our days, That we may gain a heart of wisdom.
In light of eternity, life is short so what are you doing with yours? The verses before this are talking about that very idea…… life is short Lord, so teach us to number our days. I will be the first to say that one of the most difficult things for me to get a handle on is my time! I just feel each day as though I have so much to do that there just couldn’t be enough time to ever accomplish it all and some days I feel as though I am literally chasing myself, trying to catch up. As a result, there are times I have to watch my attitude because of it because if anyone throws something else in the mix and disrupts all that I am trying to get done, I get irritated. God has really worked on me to have my schedule written out and detailed making sure that I throw in some “spare” times in between everything so that if I get a bit off track because of someone else, I can relax and enjoy the moment instead of stressing over it.
When we get too much in our schedule we tend to not accomplish as much! Sounds backward, but I have found this to be true over and over to the point of exasperation! Set your priorities for what needs to be done and then set your schedule! Make sure you schedule enough spare time to enjoy those around you! Be sure that God and your family are at the top of that list of priorities! Satan just loves to get involved in our schedules and mess everything up so we feel defeated. The only way to remedy that is to pray over your day, set your schedule and allow God to guide you through everything that comes your way!
Now that we have the whole schedule thing discussed, what are you doing for God with this short time you have on earth? While you are trying to be Wonder woman to everyone around you, is there something you are missing? You may be thinking…..”is she nuts? I don’t have time for anything else on my plate!” Maybe you don’t need anything else maybe you just need to take a look at what you are already doing so you can have God’s heart about it! Maybe you really don’t need “just one more thing”. Maybe you just need to pat yourself on the back for being that godly woman God created you to be as you are a: Great coworker who shines God’s light on those around you, or as you take care of that elderly parent with a love that can only be put there by God, as you are a godly Mom to your children, as you are the godly wife God called you to be, or as you teach those children in the public or private school showing them Jesus by your godly concern and love for them! The key is to take a look at what God has given you to do and realize that we only have a short time here on earth to be those things so we need to “number our days” so we can use that time with godly wisdom!
Time is a precious thing, don’t allow it to become a stressful thing. Do today what you can do, with a happy heart, enjoying all that God has given you and all He has called you to do. Don’t worry about what you can’t do, relax. Take the time to just enjoy God, spend time with Him and ask Him for His wisdom in all that you do! The best is yet to come!
Quote: “Time flies. It’s up to you to be the navigator.” Robert Orben