Strength For The Day…

by | Feb 14, 2022

Exodus 15:2 The Lord is my strength and my song, and he has become my salvation; this is my God, and I will praise him, my father’s God and I will exalt him.

When you have done all you know to do and you have poured your heart out to God and yet you still wait………… what do you do?  

Praise Him!

That may sound like way too simple of an answer for you today, but there is no better place on earth to find strength than with your hands lifted high and your heart pouring out praise to the only one who can help!  I can tell you first hand if you are lacking in faith or your heart is devastated and you can’t seem to dig up any hope, praising God for who He is will fill your heart to the point of bursting with faith, hope, and power for your situation!  Satan would like to drag you down to the depths of despair today by getting you to believe that God doesn’t care or He doesn’t see or have time for you, but that is a lie straight from Hell!  Absolutely nothing could be further from the truth!

Just stop for a moment and think …….. Jesus…………. God The Father…………… The Holy Spirit…………….  They love you!  No one could ever love you the way they do!  He created you for His glory!  He wants to perform that for eternity, He wants to show Himself mighty in your life!  Who is he ~ the creator of all, He is holy, He is The God of miracles, He is the healer, He is The God who is all-powerful, He has kept track of your every tear, He knows the numbers of hairs on your head (and even the number that used to be on your head), He is the almighty God, The One and Only true God who can do anything if we believe.  He is the God who has promised to always do what is best and when we don’t quite see eye to eye with Him on what is “best” He will always come through with the strength we need to get us through better for it on the other side when we trust in Him!

Trust Him!  Hold on to your praise!  Your praise will build your hope!  Turn your radio on in the car to your favorite Christian radio station or pull up Youtube and listen to praise and worship until your hope and faith are restored and you can walk in His strength!  He loves you and He does have a plan!  Trust Him and know that the best is yet to come!  

Quote: “Courage doesn’t always roar.  Sometimes it is the quiet voice at the end of the day, saying, “I will try again tomorrow.”  ~ Simple Truths  (