Take Back Your Time!

by | Dec 11, 2024

Ecclesiastes 3:1, There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens:

Time ~ How often do you have days when it feels as though there just isn’t enough of it?  Sometimes it is because there’s just so much on your plate and maybe other times it’s because of the time you are enjoying spending with a loved one or doing something you enjoy.  Whatever the case may be, I know we have all had times when we just felt as though there just wasn’t enough “time”.  

I think we can all agree that our time here on earth is short really when we think about eternity and every day our time on earth is a little shorter so just as we are called to be good stewards of our money we need to be good stewards of our time. While it may not be most people’s favorite topic, sort of like budgeting money, there are such huge benefits to taking control of your time for your sake!  God has really burdened my heart to be more intentional in how I spend my time.  Sometimes I have a difficult time balancing my time.  I bought a day planner created by Zig Ziglar that has a chart in it to see how balanced you are with your time for your life’s priorities. In order to have success in your walk with God, your family, finances, your career, and your physical and mental health, there must be a balance.  It can be so easy to get caught up in one area and neglect others and then we find ourselves having to put out fires in those areas we neglected.  It is also easy to get caught up in what I call “mindless” activities if you feel overwhelmed with stress and then everything suffers and you find yourself beating yourself up for having wasted your time and now something else in your life is a mess.  Satan loves to help us rob ourselves of our time.  One of the most successful tools satan likes to use is our electronics.  It blows my mind how many young adults there are that are so addicted to gaming that they will stay up half the night playing and then they can barely function at work or in their homes.  That’s not from God.  It’s also easy to get so caught up with work that your family pays the price because you are absent.  Let’s face it the list could go on and on but the wonderful thing is that we have choices and the ability to balance all of those things so we can honor God in all of those areas.

God is a god of order, not chaos and when we balance our schedules there’s order.  He didn’t call you to be stressed out because you have over-scheduled yourself and your family.  When I was in High School my parents didn’t allow me to join in every sport there was I had to choose because they knew that everything else in my life would suffer if I did.  It is ok and it is vital to teach your children to have balance in their lives.  Too many families are living life at a break-neck pace and they are overwhelmed and stressed because of it!

Now, here’s the sad thing about not having balance in our lives; which area do you think is the first one to take a hit when there just isn’t enough time?  Ninety-nine percent of the time it is the time with God.  The absolute most important time of your day gets sacrificed with the intent to do better tomorrow.  Procrastination is a killer and I can be as guilty as the next person at times.  Satan loves to push for us to put off things we should be doing regardless of how big or small it may be because then he knows he can play with your mind telling you what an awful person you are for not having done what you should have.  He’s a jerk!!!  So with Christmas coming and the New Year just around the corner I would just like to encourage you to set priorities for how your time is spent and determine that in this new year that is coming to ask God to guide you as you set priorities for you and your family so you can make the absolute most of your time.  Ask Him to help you find the balance you need, He will be happy to guide you!