Take Heart…!

by | Mar 6, 2025

Matthew 6:31-34  “So don’t be anxious, asking, ‘What will we eat?’ Or ‘How will we be clothed?’  For it is the pagans who set their hearts on all these things.  Your heavenly Father knows you need them all.  But seek first His Kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.  Don’t worry about tomorrow – tomorrow will worry about itself!  Today has enough troubles already!”

What or who are you seeking?  What is consuming you?  Are you driven trying to figure out how you are going to make it in a yoyo economy? Or how will you afford college for your kids?  What is that question in your mind that just eats away at you?  It’s easy to get caught up in life thinking that you somehow need to “fix it” but that is the opposite of what Jesus is telling us in these verses!

Don’t get me wrong, these verses by no means mean that you can just sit around waiting for God to drop everything in your lap. It means that if you keep God first place in your life and you do what you need to do ~ those things He has put in front of you to do today ~ then there’s no reason to be anxious about the outcome.  It means that you need to make sure that He doesn’t get tossed aside in your anxious striving to get what you need.  He wants you to have balance in your life.  He has called us to be balanced.  He wants you to trust Him in every situation.  If you do what you can with a balanced mindset, keeping Him first place in your life then you can trust that He is in control of the results and He already knows what you need.  

He sees you ~ are you seeing Him?  Are you seeking His face and looking for His answers?  If we knew what He knows we would be praying for exactly that, but since we don’t know what He knows we need to pray and ask Him to bring about His answers and then trust Him with it.  It’s the trust part that usually gets us!  We tend to want to tell Him how to fix it and just exactly what the “best outcome” in our minds would be, but He already has a plan.  So stop being anxious about it all!  Give it to Him!  Stop trying to figure out every detail about how God needs to handle it and trust Him!  When you seek Him and His righteousness for your life and learn to trust Him then you can know with everything in you that His best is yet to come!

Philippians 4:6-7,  “Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God; and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.”  


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