Talk About Being Overwhelmed…They Must Have Been In Shock!

by | Nov 25, 2024

Genesis 3:6-7, When the woman saw that the fruit of the tree was good for food and pleasing to the eye, and also desirable for gaining wisdom, she took some and ate it.  She also gave some to her husband, who was with her, and he ate it.  Then the eyes of both of them were opened, and they realized they were naked; so they sewed fig leaves together and made coverings for themselves.

Take just a moment and think about how that must have been.  Adam and Eve were innocent in their thinking and behaviors, even more so than a small child because there was no understanding of “good and evil”. They were living in The Garden, it was perfect and they had God’s full attention and presence. There was no hatefulness, sorrow, lack of anything, or death.  When they chose to disobey everything changed.  I can’t even imagine how horrified they had to be over the fact that an innocent animal had to die in order to cover their shame.  They had never experienced the death of anything so the entire experience was something they had never even heard of.  Everything about their life changed after that decision.

Something we can all be eternally grateful for is how much God loves us!  From the beginning of the Bible through the last verse, the Bible is about Jesus and God’s redemption.  While satan has always been about destroying lives God has always had a plan not only to redeem but to lay out a way of life in His Word that is for our good!  While satan’s plan brought shame, death, and need into their lives, Jesus’ plan brings life, provision, healing, and above all redemption which covers all of our shame and sin!  It is probable that the animal that had to die in the garden to cover them was a lamb and Jesus was the perfect Lamb of God who offered His life to redeem us!  We can see all throughout scripture over and over God’s love for us and His plan!  We can also see how satan will use whatever means he can find to try to keep us from God’s best.  He tries to get us to live compromised or defeated so we aren’t as effective as we should be in our walk with God.  He wants to make you miserable!

Whatever you may be facing today, the same love of God that designed the redemption plan for your life has a plan for everything that comes your way, whether the situation is good or bad.  God has not changed, He loves you and He is always moving forward so He didn’t bring you to this point to just leave you there.  Trust Him and follow Him.  Pursue Him with all your heart.  He sees and He knows exactly what needs to be done.  Trust Him and His timing and rest in the understanding that you serve a faithful God who loves you deeply!