Psalm 73:28. But for me it is good to be near God; I have made the Lord God my refuge, that I may tell of all your works.
Whether you are in the Valley or on a Mountain top today it is still good to make the Lord God your refuge. It is good to always keep the stories of all that God has done in your life and the lives of those you know on your tongue to remind yourself and your family and to give you strength for all you may face down the road.
To me, it is so awesome that God cares so much about us that He wants to be our refuge and strength. He doesn’t just sit there and watch the World go around without a care as to what is going on in our lives. He cares more than we can imagine about every detail of our lives but He will not force His presence on us, He wants to be welcomed as our refuge, hope, and strength.
Are you one of those ladies who likes to “do it herself”? I am! In fact, I am so set on doing things myself that I have a difficult time on holidays allowing anyone in the kitchen to help with anything even though we feed 15 – 20 people half of the time. One of the toughest lessons I have had to learn in my walk with God is that doing it myself is rarely the answer! I had to learn to wait on God, allow Him to work His will in my life and situations, and take my hands off it all! It is amazing how much better things turn out! When He is ready for us to “do” something He will guide us into it but it is important to not get ahead of what He has planned.
I would encourage you today ladies to take your hands off and allow God to be your Knight in Shining Armor today like He would like to be. Allow Him to be your refuge and strength. Welcome His presence and help in all that you face in life. He loves you and wants the best for you. He wants to give you hope and a future and He wants you to see Him with all your heart! (Jeremiah 29:11-13)
There’s a lot of craziness going on in the world and it would be easy to get overwhelmed with fear or anxiety over it all, but we need to draw close to God and take the time to get alone with Him. Pour out your concerns to Him and trust Him with it knowing that truly His best is yet to come!
Quote: “Faith is taking the first step even when you don’t see the whole staircase.” Martin Luther King
Thank you for the daily inspirational devotionals, I really do need them an they help me every day.