1 Samuel 17: 47, “And all this assembly shall know the the Lord does not save with sword and spear: for the battle is the Lord’s, and He will give you into our hands.”
As you read through the Old Testament you see battle after battle and if you notice God never just sent the Israelites into that battle alone when they were walking with Him. Whether it is a giant, a massive attack against you, or walls that seem to be impenetrable, no matter what it is, draw close to God and go in the confidence that David did, knowing that God will reveal His glory in and through you if you are fighting with Him by your side.
There were times when God took the armies of Israel into battle and there were other times when He told them to just sit back and watch as He would defeat the enemy for them. Be careful that you are not taking over a battle that The Lord has taken on as His. There are times to speak and times to be silent and even though the silence doesn’t always feel right, trust Him! If you seek Him with your whole heart then you can know in your heart which one you are dealing with! God knows where you are and He knows when it is time to draw you into the battle and when you just need to rest in Him so trust Him if He is telling you to let Him handle this!
There are times when maybe God is putting you in a position to be a support to others in their battle, but that doesn’t mean that the battle is yours either. Just like the story of Deborah in Judges chapter 4 when Barak said he wouldn’t go to battle if she didn’t go, so she went with him, but she didn’t go to fight, she went as support to give him the confidence that God was with him. More often than not you are called to listen and pray for others, not fight their battle for them. I know if it is your children that you are seeing in the heat of a battle it is tempting to jump in, but make sure that is what God is leading you to do. He loves them and He will fight for them and you certainly don’t want to get in His way. Pray and seek God’s direction before you start fighting a battle for someone that is the Lord’s battle. Be there for them, pray for them, and encourage them to follow God’s leading.
God sees and He always knows what is best. Pray for His direction, don’t just assume. Don’t look at anyone else’s battles or the outcome of their battles and take those on as yours either. Every story is different, every battle is different, and every call of God for each of us is different as well, so don’t look around ~ look up! Seek Him with your whole heart because that is the only place you will find His best, His peace, and His grace for anything that comes your way!