The God of Suddenlies…

by | Jan 21, 2025

Psalm 120:1. In my distress I called to the Lord, and he answered me.

No one is exempt from struggles and heartaches in this life.  Here we have David talking about crying out to God when He was at the end of his rope!  Think about Joseph and his prison stay for things he had never done, for him it was one thing after the next and he had done nothing wrong.  God brought Joseph out of prison one day and made him the leader of the country second only to Pharaoh.  One day Ruth was gleaning in the fields and the next she owned the fields.  The list goes on and on so why not you? Maybe you are frustrated because your entire life has felt like a struggle, if so I would beg you to stop for a second and think about the stories behind these three people. David spent much of his life being overlooked, underestimated, belittled and running for his life. Joseph was sold by his own brothers into slavery, falsely accused and put in prison. Ruth grew up not even knowing God until she married an Israelite and then he died and she lived in poverty with her mother-in-law gathering food left behind by reapers in any field that would allow her to. They had rough lives, BUT GOD… If you have felt as though God has tossed you aside He hasn’t, that is a lie straight from hell to keep you from fulfilling the purpose God created you for. Or, maybe you have walked away from His path for your life and have been doing your own thing so you don’t feel there is no way God will come through for you now, God doesn’t think and operate the same way we do. His mercies are new every day and just like the Prodigal son’s Dad waited for his son to return God has been waiting for you and He wants to wrap His loving arms around you and welcome you back! He wants to help you get back on track in every area of your life ~ don’t let the enemy speak his lies to you or pride to keep you from the close walk your heavenly Dad wants to have with you! Open your heart and just reach out to Him ~ He’s waiting!

God has a habit of doing things “suddenly”!  If you are waiting it may not seem like it is happening “suddenly” right now, but He seems to like to do things in such a dramatic way He can be glorified through it, and other people are drawn to Him!  Honor Him today by trusting Him that you suddenly may be today!  Don’t give up!  What if Joseph decided to get angry and turn his back on God when year after year his life just seemed to get worse?  He had no idea if he would ever get out of prison, all he could do was hang on to the promises of God.  God likes to do things in our lives so that when others look on they cannot deny that it is Him.  Trust Him!  

“God takes a long time to do something suddenly!”  He is patient and He knows the best timing for it all!  Trust Him with His timing.  While you wait don’t allow satan to beat you up with his lies!  Don’t allow doubt in the character of God to seep in!  Trust God’s nature, knowing that He is Sovereign and Holy and always good!  He loves you and He cares and He wants you to trust Him!  Trust in His love for you!  He didn’t withhold His son to save your soul so why would He stop caring now?  Grab hold of who you are in Christ today!  Write down verses to encourage you and to help keep you strong and carry them with you!  Spend time with Him in His word and in prayer!  Allow Him to work in and through your situation to draw others to Him, knowing that His best is yet to come!  Get excited!  What if today is your “and suddenly”?  Are you believing for it?  If you are wavering, let me encourage you to ask God to help your unbelief!  Maybe you have waited so long that it is difficult for you to imagine any change ever happening, but don’t give up!  He loves you and He wants to get glory through your situation!  He wants others to look on and say, “Wow!  That was truly God!”  Trust Him!  Don’t set an agenda for how it has to turn out, trust Him to do what is best!