Joshua 21:43 Not one good thing that the Lord had spoken of to the household of Israel failed to happen; it all took place.
When I read that my mind immediately went back to Genesis 15:16 where God told Abraham that it would be the fourth generation that was living in Egypt that would leave slavery and go back to the Promised Land because at that point the sin of the Amorites would be “ripe for punishment”. That was a long time for his descendants to have to wait for that promise, but God kept every promise He made!
So often when we are waiting for God to move and for the things we know He has promised to take place it’s easy to get discouraged because on top of “the wait” satan is right there to say, “Maybe you heard Him wrong” or “Maybe God changed His mind because ….” And the list goes on and on for the lies satan will try to fill your head with about that situation. God wants you to cling to the hope of His promises and satan wants you to doubt and be discouraged. One of the toughest lessons I have learned is that I must grab any thoughts of doubt, frustration, etc. before it has the chance to really get in me and declare that God is always faithful and I can trust His heart, His plan, and His timing! Let’s face it no one likes to wait! We all want what we want when we want it, but God has a reason for the wait and sometimes it isn’t us He is waiting on, but you can count on the fact that He will do what He said He would do! Sometimes we are delayed because we need to grow in an area of our life that is keeping us from that promise. The Israelites had to grow in their faith before they were able to face the giants in the land or those massive walls of Jericho.
So, don’t get weary in the wait. Take a look around and see what God is giving you to do today. Whether it is just the everyday same old thing or there’s someone you know that could use some encouragement, whatever it may be, do that! Keep being faithful because you know beyond a shadow of a doubt that God is faithful. The last thing you want is an attitude that He will also have to work on before you can get where you are going. Ask Him to give you a clean heart and the right attitude every time you start to feel discouraged. Pray for opportunities to be a blessing to someone else ~ it’s amazing how much that will boost your attitude and spirits! Don’t give up, just stay faithful and keep praying and believing that “He who has promised is faithful!”