There’s Still Hope!

by | Feb 27, 2025

Lamentations 3:17-36,

I have been so deprived of peace,

I have so forgotten what happiness is, 

That I think, “My strength is gone,

And so is my hope in ADONAI.”

Remember my utter misery, 

The wormwood and the gall.

They are always on my mind;

This is why I am so depressed.

But in my mind I keep returning to something,

Something that gives me hope ~ 

That the grace of ADONAI is not exhausted, 

That His compassion has not ended.

(On the contrary,) they are new every morning!

How great your faithfulness!

ADONAI is all I have,” I say;

“Therefore I will put my hope in Him.”

ADONAI is good to those waiting for Him,

To those who are seeking Him out.

It is good to wait patiently

For the saving help of ADONAI.

( Version: The Complete Jewish Study Bible)

Everywhere I turn I see people who are dealing with depression or sometimes a complete lack of hope because everything is so backward these days.  It is vital as Christians, who are walking with God to remind ourselves that our hope is not even wrapped up in who is running our governments but in God.  We need to do our part in the world to fight for what is right when God shows us something we should be fighting for ~ stand up for what is right!  Don’t just sit back and say, “what’s the world coming to”, if you are confronted always speak with a heart of love and compassion, but speak the truth found in the Word of God! Hate and anger won’t win anyone over. The world is looking for answers in all of the wrong places and they will never be happy or satisfied until they find Jesus.  

It isn’t just people who don’t know God who are depressed and looking for hope though, all hell seems to be coming against most Christians these days to a whole new degree.  Satan knows his time is short and he is not wasting a minute to try to discourage you and get you to lose hope.  When I read these verses this morning it reminded me of a conversation I had with my daughter Danielle just the other day when she asked me why it is that people who are doing things that are straight-up evil and yet claim to be Christians seem to be thriving and those of us who aren’t, seem to be bombarded with one thing after the next.  I explained that satan has no reason to go after someone who isn’t a threat and as Christians there are always going to be ups and downs in life ~ that is just life here on earth.  So when you are on the mountaintop get excited and pursue God with your whole heart!  And when you are in the valley get excited and pursue Him with your whole heart because your hope is found in Him!  I am an undying optimist!  I am the type of person who is certain that the fly in my house is just looking for a way out.  I have never understood why it is that when things are terrible and my whole life seems upside down I will always end up exactly smack dab in verses 21-26 where it starts out saying, “But in my mind, I keep returning to something….”  I know to the very core of my being that our God is faithful!!!!!  He loves us and He will always do whatever He has told you He is going to do!  “He is good to those waiting for Him, to those who are seeking Him out.  It is good to wait patiently for the saving help of ADONAI.” 

So, if you are able to help lift someone up or show them Jesus, do it today!  Be His hands and feet!  Be the encouragement people need to see and if you are in the depths of despair and you aren’t sure you could ever be truly happy again, put all of your hope and trust in God!  He is faithful and He loves you!  Take all of your cares to Him today, whether it is about you, your family and friends, or our upside-down crazy world ~ whatever it is, make sure you are spending time praying and praising Him!  Make Him the center of everything you do and then you can truly know that no matter what His best is yet to come and He’s got you!


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