Today is a New Day!

by | Jan 1, 2013

2 Corinthians 5:17  Therefore, if anyone is in Christ he is a new creation; old things have passed away ; behold, all things have become new.

I am not sure why we find it so much easier to make the 1st of the year a new beginning every year and we find it so hard to make every morning of God’s grace that has been poured out on us a new beginning.  God’s mercies are new every day and His grace is sufficient and yet so often we cling to the past allowing it to hold us back, defeating us and ruining the “new beginning” God is trying to give us.

We all need to have those “fresh starts” in life and the New Year is a good place to start but I would encourage you to not wait again.  Begin every day with a clean heart this year, choose to forgive others and not carry the burden of grudges and unforgiveness, take each day one day at a time and give your attitudes, decisions and problems to God first thing in the morning.  Choose to spend time with Him each day and allow Him to guide and direct you in every area of your life including letting go of the past.  Life can be tough enough without carrying the burden of the past or the overwhelming load that unforgiveness can bring.  I am not just talking about forgiving others here sometimes the biggest burden we carry is not forgiving ourselves and allowing Satan to defeat us in our daily walk by beating ourselves up every day for past sins and mistakes.  God’s will for our lives is for us to walk with Him in a way that will draw others to Him, if you are walking around defeated, grumpy and or frustrated with life all the time,who will ever want what you have?

Maybe you need to take this opportunity to give someone else you know the chance to have a fresh start and stop holding their mistakes over their head.  Today is a new day, fresh with no mistakes in it!  It may be time to begin again!

Take today and start fresh, ask God to show you anything that you are allowing in your life to hold you back or weigh you down.  Let it go and live in the light of His grace with all the fullness of Jesus shining out through you.

Quote:  “It’s not what happens to me, it’s what happens in me.  It’s no the size of the problem, but how I handle the problem when I fall.”