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Galatians 6:2
Bear one another’s burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ.
Are you so caught up in your own burdens that you can’t see to help anyone else? It can be easy at times to get so consumed with what you are dealing with yourself that you don’t have “time” to help anyone else. That is seriously the biggest mistake we often make because that means we are too focused on our problem and not focused enough on God. Often the best answer to your problems and stress is to focus on someone else other than just yourself!
If you find you are getting overwhelmed with all that you are facing today I would suggest that you do what you must today and then drop it for the day and totally focus on “being there” for someone else. Take someone you know that is hurting to lunch and instead of telling them all you are facing allow them to pour their heart out to you telling you what they are struggling with. It may sound crazy but it will bless your heart and give you a new perspective on your own problems.
When we focus on helping and loving on others it refreshes our mind so we can more clearly focus when we get back to working on our own issues. Often the best way for us to allow God to work on our problems is for us to focus on being used by Him to help someone else for a while and leaving our “stuff” at the cross for a while until He tells us what we need to do.
If you are Christ centered instead of Self centered it will allow you to “bear one another’s burdens”. If we are only focused on ourselves we can’t see what is going on around us and we all tend to be that way at times. God has called us to love one another and to bear each other’s burdens. As you help bear someone else’s burdens God will bring the right people into your life to lighten your load as well if they are needed. Bearing each other’s burdens is not merely a suggestion it is a command so let’s get started today by praying and asking God to show us what we need to do in our own situation but also to show us when and how to lay it down long enough to show His love to someone else and help bear their burdens.
“It’s one of the most beautiful compensations of this life that no man can sincerely try to help another without helping himself.” Ralph Waldo Emerson