Please take a moment and share your prayer requests with us today and pray for others as well: CLICK HERE
John 8:12
Again Jesus spoke to them, saying, “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will not walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.”
Once we have accepted Christ as our Savior, we have no excuse to walk in sin. He is our light and He will shine His light on our paths so we can choose the way to go.
I have often wondered how people handle the “darkness” when they live in areas far north where they have times of the year where it is dark 24 hours a day! I can remember days in the winter time in Northern Michigan when it was overcast day after day until you could tell people were a bit down, grumpy or depressed. I owned a salon for hair, nails and tanning and it was a very busy time of year because people felt the need for the “light”. Have you ever gone outside on a sunny day and just thoroughly enjoyed the sun shining on your face? What a great feeling! Life is like that too and we need our daily dose of His light shining on our faces and giving us the light for the direction we need to go! You don’t have to look for His light, all you have to do is ask!
1 John 1: 5-10 tells us, “This is the message we have heard from Him and proclaim to you, that God is light, and in Him is no darkness at all. If we say we have fellowship with Him while we walk in darkness, we lie and do not practice the truth. But if we walk in the light, as He is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus His Son cleanses us from all sin. If we say we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us. If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. If we say we have not sinned, we make Him a liar, and His word is not in us.” We are called to walk in His light and to live lives that reflect Him in order to draw others to His truth! It is His light and only His light in your life that will bring about the change you so desperately desire. You cannot change the people around you but His love and light can!
I would like to encourage you today, no matter where you are, no matter what you may have done in the past or what you may be facing to trust Him! Seek Him with your whole heart, don’t hold anything back and ask Him right here, right now to shine His light on your situation! He has a plan! How bad do you want His best for your life? Do you want it bad enough to follow Him without reservation, holding nothing from Him, but giving every part of you and your situation to Him! Your deliverance, your victory, your answers will all be found in His light! He loves you! Trust Him and you will find that the best is yet to come!
“There is no such thing as a minor lapse of integrity.” Tom Peters
Thank you for this devotional. It came at the perfect time. I only learned of this site yesterday on His Radio.
It’s hard at times to see God’s light shining. For me, it takes a lot of praying, bible reading, and devotions. It’s not that I’m distant from God, but I feel pain and suffering all around me. I hurt for all the people who are going through tragedies, losing loved ones, jobs, homes, and enduring senseless crime. I hurt for those who do not have the freedom to love and worship our Savior. There are many days that I feel like the pain of the world is sitting on my shoulders. I’m not complaining! If I could take everyone’s pain and it endure it/fight through it myself, I would happily do so.
Thank you for joining us Teresa! It sounds like you have a wonderful heart for other people! I would love to encourage you to be one of the ladies who are committed to praying for the prayer requests on our prayer board! When you are “hurting” for those going through tragedies and struggles remember what one pastor told me years ago: God doesn’t give you the grace to handle someone else’s burden, but He does give it to them if they are trusting in Him, so keep pouring your heart out to God for them, but don’t get burned out in the process. I am so thankful for your caring and burdened heart and I pray that we will be a blessing to you as well! God Bless, Janet