“Unto Us A Child Is Born…”

by | Dec 19, 2024

Isaiah 9:6, For to us a child is born, to us a son is given, and the government will be on His shoulders.  And He will be called Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.

Christmas is approaching quickly!  I love this time of year because everyone seems happier and there’s excitement in the air.  I would just like to encourage you to remind yourself and your family Who you are celebrating and the reason He came.  If you dig into Jesus’ birth, you realize He wasn’t born on December 25th, in fact, that date was chosen because of other pagan celebrations, but the important thing is that we are celebrating the birth of our Lord!  We are celebrating that God provided a way for us to escape eternal judgment for our sins.  He loves us so much that He sent Jesus.

This is such a special time of celebration it would be a shame to allow your children and grandchildren to miss out on what and who it’s all about.  It’s not about getting that perfect gift, especially if it means you are going into debt to do it.  Do that for their birthday instead if that’s what you desire to do, but strive to keep Jesus the focus!  Santa Claus is unfortunately a tool satan uses to not only distract from who we are celebrating, but too many children have been greatly hurt by the lie of it, and some even question then whether or not the story of Jesus is just a story as well.  When my son was only two years old an adult that I didn’t even know argued with him about the existence of Santa until I stepped in.  Then he tried to tell me I was robbing him of the fun but I explained that I wanted my children to grow up knowing that I was always telling them the truth so they would know that Jesus is real!  It breaks my heart to hear how so many children are devastated when they find out years later that it was all a lie.  Children love gifts they don’t need a make-believe character they will be even more happy that it came from you!  If you do the Santa thing, I am not trying to condemn here I am just trying to encourage you to please take some time and pray about it.  We need to start taking the ground back that satan has robbed us of with children, he is after them in so many ways.  Weigh out which is more important to teach them ~ that some mystery man brings them gifts that you go in debt for or that Jesus the Son of God came to earth to save us from our sins.  That mystery man doesn’t love them, but you do and Jesus sure does!  Jesus gave us all the best gift ever!

Remember Jesus’ words in Matthew 19:14,  Jesus said, “Let the little children come  me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.”

Let’s be intentional in our focus this year as we celebrate Him!  Let’s strive to make it a time of taking the opportunity to share Him with those who don’t know Him!  Ask Him for ways to serve others to show His love and keep Him the center of your celebration!  His best is yet to come!