Wait ~ What?! Summer Break?

by | Jun 26, 2024

2 Timothy 2:15,  “Study to shew yourself approved unto God, a workman that needed not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.”

While I understand that many people are busier in the summertime and some go on vacation, it is not time to take a break from God.  I am not sure what it is like in other countries but here in the U.S. most of the churches take a break from having youth groups, some stop Wednesday evening services, all of the “Small groups” take time off, etc.  I totally get the fact that the attendance drops for so many of these things but it still seems very odd to me.  

If you are in that situation and you don’t have much offered in ways of studying God’s word, or maybe you have children who are missing out may I suggest that you make sure that you are taking the opportunity to share God’s word with your family.  Don’t take the summer off for your own sake.  Find ways to grow in your walk with God.  Get up before the rest of the house and read your Bible.  Ask Him how you can be more intentional in your prayer life and daily walk with Him.  See the summer as a great time of family growth by using every opportunity as a teaching moment.  Just don’t put God on the shelf until Autumn.

Find some ways to serve others.  Is there someone in your church or neighborhood who could use a hand with yard work or cleaning, or maybe picking up their groceries?  Who can you be a blessing to?  Is there stuff to be done at your church that you could help with?  When you go on vacation set your mind to be a blessing to every person, employee, etc, that you run into.  Be a positive difference in every situation possible.  

Summer is a great time to grow so let’s all take the time we have to dig in and become all we are created to be so others will see Him!  So, on that note, I am going to do a mini-series of teaching about going through the “Desert seasons” of life.  What is that all about?  While the desert sounds like a dead and barren place it offers us so much if we look for it.  Please pray that I can get our emails back up and running so they can also participate in this!  Determine in your heart to take this summer and make a difference in the world around you!