2 Corinthians 5:17, Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold all things have become new.
When you accept Jesus as your Savior He gives you His Spirit to guide you into all He created you to be. We cannot become everything we were created to be without Him. It’s impossible! He created you to have a relationship with Him and He wants to help you become all He knows you can be. I hear people say all the time, “Well, this is just the way that I am.” Or “This is who I am!” trying to explain away bad behavior and it usually has to do with an area of self-control. Well, the fact is ~ Jesus died on the cross for that “just the way that I am” problem! No one has to just live with “the way they have always been”! Jesus died and sent the Holy Spirit to live within you to give you the power over any and everything you struggle with once you accept Him as your Savior. He wants to help so whether it is you or someone you know or love there’s an answer and hope and it is found in allowing Him to help.
I have also seen a lot of writings about hearing God speak to you and it’s not some secret formula. God is speaking the problem comes in when they are willing to hear what He is saying. We all want encouragement whether it is through God giving us a verse when we are reading our Bibles or a message we listen to, but you cannot shut out His Word or that voice inside you that convicts you of wrong and expect to hear anything else. There are times when God can seem silent but if you pay close attention you will still recognize that even through the fire and raging storms of life, He is saying something and He is there. He may not be giving you an answer at the moment that you are desperately waiting for, but He wants you to rest in Him in those moments and trust Him. It’s learning to listen to the things you may not want to hear that opens the door to hearing all He has to say. What if your children only wanted to hear you say what they wanted to hear but never listened to your instructions about how they were to behave or what they needed to do? If they weren’t willing to listen and obey would you be giving them answers to whether or not they could go to that birthday party on Saturday? Of course not! You would expect them to listen to everything you had to say! God deserves even more respect. Our desire should be to please Him and in order to do that we need to listen and hang on to His EVERY Word and obey. Only His Word can change us and mold us into all we are created to be.
God loves you more than words can say and as it says in Jeremiah 29: 11-13, He has a great plan and He wants you to seek Him so He can guide you into all He has in mind for your life and the lives of those you love. Seek Him, trust Him, and listen to every word He has to say so you don’t miss out on all that He created you to be!