Monday will be our last day! We need your help. I would like to thank all of you who have already pitched in to help with the costs of getting chocolate and God emailing and website fixed and to those who are praying. We are continuing to work on it and look for answers to try to get everything up to the best it can be. Thank you for your support!
and venmo is – Janet-Scott-11
1 Samuel 12:23 “Moreover, as for me, far be it from me that I should sin against the Lord by ceasing to pray for you,”
So, how is your prayer life today? Have you talked with God yet today? Do you start your day with prayer, or do you just pray before meals or maybe when you have reached the end of your rope and you don’t know what else to do or where else to turn? Do you give Him everything? (I know some of you do!) Do you trust Him with everything that comes your way?
How often do you pray for others? When you go over your prayer list in your mind or in your journal, how much of your list is all about you? It isn’t wrong to have a long list for yourself, but you should also have a list of prayers for others as well. The best gift you can give someone else is your time on your knees for them! Taking their needs to the throne! Pouring your heart out for the needs of others! God forbid that we should sin against Him by neglecting to pray for each other. I am going to be very honest, God has been speaking to my heart for a while now about writing this. Every time I go to our prayer board, “AMEN” I am moved on many levels! I thank God that you all give us the opportunity to pray for you and I am excited every time I see you all praying for each other, but seriously……. there are thousands of you and I am seeing just a trickle of prayers in comparison and it breaks my heart. We are missing out on the most powerful tool we have in our lives ~ the power of prayer! There should be hundreds of prayers on that board, we all have needs and there should be hundreds of people praying each day. Please know that I do read and pray over your prayer requests each day. I would love it if more of you prayer warriors would commit to going through these each day and make that a ministry of prayer. Please feel free to email me if you decide to commit to that and I will be sure to add you to my list as well, as you pray over others because satan will obviously fight against that. Our prayer board is an opportunity for ministry for each other, let’s not sin against God by not praying for each other! Let’s take this opportunity to go boldly to His throne for each other!
You can get started by just talking to God, that is what prayer is ~ communication with God! He wants to hear from you! Start simple, just like the Lord’s prayer:
- “Our Father who art in Heaven, Hallowed be thy name” ~ start with thanking God and praising Him for who He is and all He has done and will do (praising God, will grow your faith!).
- “Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done on earth as it is in Heaven” ~ Then ask Him what is on His heart, what would He like to see happen in your life and through you, what are His dreams and plans for your life and what do you need to work on to be more like Him. What needs to be tweaked in your life for you to fulfill His will for your life today?
- “Give us this day our daily bread” ~ pour your heart out for your needs and the needs of others. (this says, ‘our’ not just my)
- “And forgive our debts as we forgive others” ~ Ask for forgiveness and the strength to forgive those who have done you wrong and lay it all at His feet.
- “And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil” ~ Ask Him for the strength to have victory over any areas of struggle in your life and for His protection for you and those you love!
- “For Thine is the kingdom and the glory forever and ever. Amen” ~ Praise Him, praise Him, praise Him, so you can walk in confidence today as His child.
God loves you and it blesses His heart to hear from His children. If you have adult children, you know how awesome it is for them to call ~ God wants to hear from you today too! Don’t wait, don’t plan on starting tomorrow, start today! Pour your heart out to Him for yourself, those you love, and others! Let’s join together today and be a force to be reckoned with by taking time today at the foot of His throne, praising Him, and pouring our hearts out to Him! The best is yet to come! ( If you need a good worship song to get your heart prepared with praise and faith, I love the song, “What a Beautiful Name” by Hillsong)
Quote: “We live shabbily because we pray meagerly.” ~ E.M. Bounds
Please take a moment and share your prayer requests and pray for others as well: CLICK HERE
Ladies, I am so excited to share with you that my book is now available temporarily at a discounted price. This would be great to buy and give to someone who is struggling or for your Ladies Group to go through together, or even for someone who doesn’t know the Love of God yet. CLICK HERE. The new book is a 90-day devotional to help you grow in your understanding of His love which in turn will give you hope and grow your faith. ALSO: PLEASE, if you have ordered the book would you please go to Amazon and leave a review? Thank you so much for your support in spreading the word!
If you are looking for a way to make some extra money check out my website with Younique ~ click here. You can do everything online so you don’t have to go anywhere which is perfect during this quarantine. We have fantastic Skin Care and Makeup and it is only $99 to join my team. It is part of “Beauty From the Inside Out” with Chocolate and God. Let’s become all we were created to be for Him!