When The Battle Grow Wearisome…

by | Jun 24, 2024

Galatians 6:9,  And let us not grow weary while doing good, for in due season we shall reap if we do not lose heart.

What good thing can you do today that will make a difference in someone else’s life?  If you are feeling overcome with weariness may I suggest asking God to show you something you can do, even something little that will bless someone else!  It is incredible how doing something for someone else that you know blesses their heart and life, will just turn your day around in your heart and mind.  

One of the toughest things can be standing strong and doing what God has called you to do when all hell may be coming against you, so you have to remember to focus on Him and do it in His strength and not your own!  Satan is on a rampage fighting everything and everyone he can that is serving God.  Don’t allow him to fill your mind with weariness!  Set your heart and mind on God.  When I start feeling that way I have literally stopped to pray for God to refresh my heart and mind so I can continue.  God wants you to rely on Him so He is ready and willing to guide you and give you the strength you need so don’t try doing it on your own.  

Ask for prayer when you need it.  Make sure you are praying for others.  The battle is raging and we must all come together and lift each other up in prayer!  Make the effort to go in and post your prayer on our prayer page and take a moment to pray for others.  There’s never been a more important time than now to take prayer seriously!  We all need it!

So, whatever satan may throw at you today, whatever thoughts he is trying to get you to buy, reject them at the door and fill your heart and mind with God’s word.  Turn on some praise music and be intentional about what you focus on.  Only you can control your thoughts and that is where the battle begins, so guard your heart and mind by filling it with God’s Word.  He loves you and He wants to show you His plan so you can become all He created you to be and your life can shine so others will want to know Him as well!