John 13:34-35, “A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another: just as I have loved you, you also are to love one another. By this all people will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.”
Do you feel loved today? Oh I know today is Valentine’s Day and for some that is wonderful and for others it is just another day to make them feel lost and alone. Where’s the love? I know of so many people dealing with so much heartache they are overwhelmed right now and probably loving people is the last thing on their mind and you know what? That’s ok. There are times when brothers and sisters in Christ need to take the time to recognize the pain someone is going through and instead of ignoring it or judging them, they need to just be loved on! It is time for us to all take a look around and be Jesus’ hands and feet! It is time for us to look for opportunities to show is love no matter if it is uncomfortable at first, or it takes away from some other task or maybe it costs you something to reach out and send that lonely widow or single parent some flowers or chocolate or take them dinner. Love others to the point of inconvenience if you must, but ask God how you can love like He does.
The world is so full of hate and anger right now and they need to see that there is hope and it can only be found in Jesus. Jesus loves them more than words can say just like He loves you.
If you are hurting today, I am so sorry! I would beg you to allow others to show God’s love to you in whatever way He puts it on their heart. If you don’t have anyone please email me. If you are able to be a part of a local church I would encourage you to find one. Know too that not one tear that you have cried has escaped God’s notice. He sees and He cares and He loves you beyond words. I know there’s so much that is difficult to understand with all that is going on in the world, but I would encourage you to trust God. He sees the whole picture when we can just see our tiny piece and He always does what is right even when it may not seem fair to us and we don’t understand why He is allowing it. If we knew what He knows we would pray for exactly what He does even though we don’t fully understand. It all comes back to trust. Faith is trusting God to always do what is best, not necessarily what makes sense to us here on earth. Believe me, I have experienced enough heartache in my life for a handful of people and no I haven’t always understood “why”, but I know He loves me and I know He is trustworthy and I know that He will vindicate and He will bring justice and He will give me all that I need to come through to the other side better if I give it all to Him. Life on earth is so short compared to eternity even though there are days that seem like an eternity when you are hurting. God wants to walk with you through it all. He wants to carry you through the storms. He would like to be there for the good, the bad, and the ugly, but it is your choice. I would encourage you to cling to Him and allow Him to heal your heart. A couple of my favorite songs are: “There’s Another In The Fire” by Hillsong and “Just Haven’t Seen It Yet” by Danny Gokey
Wherever you are in life today I would like to encourage you to ask God to fill you with His love to the point where it just overflows to everyone around you and they are drawn to Him and His love for them!
Quote: “Faith believes in spite of the circumstances and acts in spite of the consequences. ~ Adrian Rogers