Psalm 18:8, “I keep my eyes always on the Lord. With Him at my right hand, I will not be shaken.”
So, I know I have asked this question before in a Bible study, but let’s ask again today because things are always changing and shifting in each of our lives: Where are you keeping the Lord in your life? Do you keep Him on a shelf somewhere so you can pull Him out when times get tough, or you need something or you see a need in someone else’s life that has tugged at your heart? Where does He fit into your life?
It’s rather crazy because everyone wants to be loved and yet The One who loves you beyond compare so often gets set aside for other things and you miss out on the most important relationship you could ever have. If you are single and desiring to be married I would like to suggest that you pursue your relationship with God first, if you have neglected it because then He will guide you to the right relationship, you won’t have to be out there running around looking for love in all the wrong places and end up with another broken heart. When Jesus fills you with His love and you get a full grasp of who you are because of Him and who He created you to be then any other relationship will be icing on the cake! Let Him show you what it means to be loved.
The Bible tells us in Joshua 1:8, “This book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate in it day and night, that you may observe to do according to all that is written in it. For then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have good success.” That success in life comes from knowing Him! You can’t know someone if you never spend time with them. You can’t truly even know yourself, at least the self that God created you to be if you never know who He is and what He has to say. I am horrified at the number of Christians who never read their Bibles or have never been to a Bible Study. Ohhhh, how much they miss! The more I read and study the more I want to read and study because that is how it works. It’s the opposite of how your body reacts to food. If you never ate you would starve. You would get more and more hungry until you just couldn’t take it anymore. With reading your Bible and studying about God, the more you do the more you desire it. Satan will do everything he can to distract you and keep you from it so it is something you must get intentional about. If your church is hosting a Bible study ~ GO! Nothing is more important in your life than your walk with God. Go! If nothing like that is available to you right now you can start by reading a verse or two in Psalms each day, or take Proverbs and read a chapter a day, that will fill your month.
Now, maybe you are pursuing God and your walk with Him. It’s time to think of how you can share that with others. How can you encourage someone else to dig into knowing God? Maybe you can host a Bible study in your home and invite other people of the same sex to join you. Ask God to show you how you can spread the Word.
No matter where you are in your walk today, God wants to be a part of everything you do. He is not a God that wants to be distant, He wants to walk with you. He wants others to see Him through you. He wants to guide you into all He created you to be. Keep Him at your right hand, not on the shelf, and learn to trust Him so no matter what may come your way you can stand strong and not be shaken, trusting that in Him, His best is yet to come.
Quote: “Things that matter most must never be at the mercy of things that matter least.” ~ Goethe