You Are Here!

by | Oct 6, 2024

Matthew 25:13,  “Therefore keep watch, because you do not know the day or the hour.”

Have you ever heard the saying, “Live as though He could come today and plan as though He isn’t.”  In other words live every moment as though any second you could be smack dab in front of Him, but make your plans for the future.  Because we don’t know when exactly that day may be we must still keep serving Him to the best of our ability in all that we do.  While we may not know the day or hour, He has given enough prophecies and signs for us to be able to discern that He’s coming very soon!  Prophecies have been fulfilled and you can see everything just rolling out in front of us.  Don’t live with blinders on, don’t buy into the old sayings of “people have said that for years….”  Yes, they have and here we are!  Whether you believe in “Pre-Trib, Mid-Trib, or Post-Trib”, rapture, we are living in those days when we can see that it will be soon!  

Here’s something to consider:  The more I have studied The Bible, the more God has really impressed on me that what so many Christians are missing is something that every other religion of false gods, and something that the Jews have always known, is that everything we do should flow out of our belief in Him!  He shouldn’t be squeezed into your life.  Whether we work or play, our interactions with other people, how we work, what we say, what we wear, what we “approve”.  As Christians, we need to stand on the Word of God.  It is His standard and His alone that we are to approve.  It should bother us when His Word is twisted.  In order to live for Him the way He has called us to live we must know Him and love Him above all else!

If He were to come today and you knew that today was the day, what would you do differently?  Do it!  When I saw all of the lives lost when Hurricane Helene hit the U.S. my heart broke and I couldn’t help but wonder how many of them knew Jesus as their Savior.  There was such widespread disaster that went beyond what anyone could have possibly imagined.  There were people three states north of where it hit in Florida, who lived in the mountains that I am certain never dreamed that they could lose everything overnight, possibly even their lives because of a Hurricane!  Did they know Him?  Who do you know that maybe doesn’t know Him?  We need to pray for God to give them tender hearts that are open and pray that God will draw them to Him.  If you are close ask God to give you an open door to be able to share Him with them.  It doesn’t have to be an awkward conversation, just tell them what He has done in your life. Start there and see if they are open.

The God, our God, of all creation loves us and it is not His will for people to die in their sin.  Let’s do our part and serve Him with our lives because we know that the time is near and His best is yet to come ~ who is on your heart that you would hate to see them miss it?  Start praying for them today if you haven’t already!  Let’s all choose to live lives that honor Him and that will draw others to Him!  His best is truly yet to come!

If you have never accepted Jesus as your Savior yourself and you are reading this, it is truly as simple as this: We know that every one of us has done things that are wrong in our lifetime, that is sin in God’s eyes and God in His mercy sent Jesus, His Son to pay the price for those sins, but we must receive His offer. So, just ask Him to forgive you of your sin and ask Him to lead and guide you for the rest of your life so you can live for Him. Don’t wait until tomorrow because you don’t know if you have tomorrow. Then find a church that teaches the Bible, if you need help finding a church email me and I will do my best to help you find one in your area. God loves you and He wants to walk with you and He wants to help you become all He created you to be!


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