You Can More Than Survive ~ You Can Overcome!

by | Feb 24, 2025

Job 8:21-22,  “He will yet fill your mouth with laughter and your lips with shouts of joy.  Those who hate you will be clothed with shame and the tent of the wicked will cease to exist.”  

You can be an overcomer!  No matter what things look like today, if you will cling to Him and allow Him to guide you.  If you want to be an overcomer you must believe in the wait, you must believe, in the storm, and you must choose to believe when nothing seems to look right and all hell chooses to come against you.  God is still on His throne and He is the same, yesterday, today, and tomorrow.  He will bring what He has said to pass.  Don’t allow bitterness or anger to consume you, give those situations and people to God and allow Him to work in you.  You can’t fix everything on your own.  You can’t change what other people may say, do, or believe, but you can control your attitudes and behaviors.  You can stay faithful to God and maintain your godly character and attitude.  God sees and He knows and in order to come through as an overcomer you must seek God’s face.  Don’t look at your circumstances, don’t look at people, don’t try to take revenge ~ ask God where He is leading you.  What can you learn?  

Job’s friend who was actually speaking those verses to him, basically misjudging and condemning Job, didn’t understand that God would do all of those things for Job again.  God would show up and all that Job went through was for a season, it was not there to stay.  God would show up in a mighty way and restore everything and more to Job, and he dealt with his friends as well.  Seek God’s face!  Don’t look around ~ look up!  Don’t allow your circumstances to discourage you, allow God to use it all to make you stronger!  Allow Him to work in you so He can use your story!  Allow Him to use all of this to grow your faith in Him.  Faith is choosing to trust Him regardless of how things look.  God is faithful!

The Bible tells us in Deuteronomy 7:9, “Know therefore that the Lord your God is God’ He is the faithful God, keeping His covenant of love to a thousand generations of those who love Him and keep His commandments.”  God is faithful and we are called to trust in that characteristic of who He is.  

We are also told in Hebrews 11:6,  “And without faith, it is impossible to please God because anyone who comes to Him must believe that He exists and that He rewards those who earnestly seek Him.”  That doesn’t mean that you can name and claim and somehow poof there it is ~ that is not what I am saying.  It means that regardless of how things look, when you can’t see His hand in your situation you are still going to trust His heart!  When you just don’t know what to do, do what David did when he and his men returned home only to find that raiders had come and taken everyone and everything and burned their town.  The men talked about stoning David but David encouraged himself in the Lord.  He took the time to seek God, knowing that God would have his answers.  So, whether it is a storm you are facing or just a big decision, your answers are found in Him.  Don’t get worked up ~ look up and trust God and His faithfulness and love for you knowing that truly His best is yet to come.