You Have Been Chosen!

by | Nov 2, 2024

1 Peter 2:9, “But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God’s special possession, that you may declare the praises of Him who called you out of darkness into His wonderful light.”

We, as Christians (Ambassadors for Jesus), need to start walking, talking, and behaving as the “Royal Priesthood, Chosen, Holy, and God’s special possession” that He created us to be.  People who shine as light in this dark, dark world.  You cannot look and act like the world and fulfill your call.  The Israelites were so consumed with the understanding that they were a “Chosen People” that other people could see it.  They were even described as looking like King’s Sons.  That is who we are!  Chosen, set apart for His service, and called to live lives that draw others to Him.  We should live in a way that other people are not only drawn to Him, they wonder why they ever weren’t.  If you aren’t different why would they want what you have?  While you may feel as though all hell has come against you and some people look on wondering why God hasn’t answered your every prayer, or vindicated you yet, they will see your peace that only comes from Him!  That may sound too “small” or simple in your mind and satan will try to make it sound like it isn’t a big deal, but if there’s one thing people who don’t know Him don’t have and in the craziness of all that is going on that has to be terrifying!  What do we have without Him?  Without Him we just have chaos.  We need to stand on His Word so other Christians will come home to Him and people who don’t know Him will want to.  

Sad to say there are way too many “Christians” who are trying to fit in by conforming to the standard of the world, which mind you would be satan’s standard, by watering down what God’s Word says!  This election in the U.S. has really shed light on what Christians stand for.  I saw someone the other day who proclaims she is a Christian defending things because of the candidate she wants to vote for that even goes against the Ten Commandments of God.  While those Commandments aren’t what saves us, God has never said it is ok to go against them, in fact, Jesus said that because He would be sending His Spirit to live within us, we should go a step further and not even think about doing the things God said not to do, let alone actually do them! (Matthew 5:27-29)  We can’t be light and spread darkness at the same time!  Those things that go completely against the Word of God, whether in the Old or New Testament are exactly that ~ against the Word of God!  When Christians became so afraid of making God out to be someone to be “feared” we managed to make it appear that He no longer cares about sin in our lives because it’s under the blood but He is the same, yesterday, today, and forever!  He is a Holy God and sin angers Him.  The reason sin angers Him is because sin kills and destroys people!  Sin never helps ANYONE!  But God’s Word saves souls and lives and it gives hope and peace when there is no hope or peace to be found.  

God is so incredibly amazing how can we possibly not be so full of that knowledge that it just flows out of us for all to see?  He is our Waymaker,  He is our Redeemer and He loves us beyond any other love!  It is not His will that anyone should perish, but we will be held accountable one day for how we lived.  While we will escape God’s judgment because we accepted Jesus as our Savior, we will still account for what our lives produced or failed to produce (wood, hay, or stubble).  

We are children of the King.  Let’s choose to live as royalty.  Let’s choose His standard so we can declare His praises and be His light in this dark, dark world.  Seek His face and ask Him to guide you in all you do.  The more we choose to let go of our agenda and what we think is important in this life and there’s less and less of us and more and more of Him filling our hearts and minds the less we will be concerned with what the “world” may think of our stand, other than how it will affect their eternity.