You Just Never Know When His Answer is Coming

by | Jun 25, 2023

Job 38:1,  Then God answered Job out of the storm:

I find when I am reading the book of Job I often find myself wondering and concerned about how long his suffering lasted.  Was it weeks, months ~ a year…. How long did that poor man not only suffer but have to deal with his condemning, judgmental friends who clearly were clueless?  I don’t know, it doesn’t give us any clue really for sure how long it lasted but God spoke to him out of the storm going on in his life.

God doesn’t always wait for the storm to pass to answer you.  Just because God hadn’t set things right yet for Job He answered Him.  I’m not sure I would have wanted to be on that end of God’s answer and yet I am sure there are many times we are, we just don’t audibly hear Him.  Whatever the case may be Job was answered by God and then He rebuked Job’s “friends” and blessed Job beyond what He had experienced before.  

Are you taking the time to hear what God is trying to tell you today?  Sometimes we can get so caught up in what is going on and caught up in telling God what needs to be done and how we think it should happen that we miss out.  Remember that God has a plan and unless He is telling you what you need to do you may just need to get out of His way and let Him do what He needs to do and sometimes you need to listen to the people that He has put in your life to help guide you. Just be careful where you are looking for answers! I have seen so many people popping up lately with all sorts of “words from God” ~ make sure if you are reading or listening to those that it lines up with the Word of God! There are so many of them who are making a lot of money off people by saying what people want to hear and just because it sounds like the answer you may want, doesn’t make it God’s timing or answer. The Bible tells us to “Seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things will be added unto us.” (Matthew 6:33) Seek God’s face at all times and ask Him for the discernment you need for every situation and then trust Him to do what only He can do! Don’t get lazy about it, looking for someone n Social Media to supply you with God’s answer, hoping that it s from Him! Seek His Face and spend time alone with Hm asking Him to show you His answer. Yes ~ Seek Godly counsel because we all need an outside Godly perspective at times because as the old saying goes, “you can’t see the forest because of the trees.” ~ we are too close to the situation at times and we need someone who will be wiling to speak the truth in love to us.

On the other side of this, if you aren’t experiencing a storm in life right now, this still applies to you.  Don’t get so busy or caught up in the goodness that you miss out on hearing God either.  God still has a plan so don’t block Him out with your own agenda and plans.  Take the time to seek Him and allow Him to speak into your life and plans.  We are all so busy it seems that it is easy to just get caught up in the every day stuff figuring that it is just the same old thing and we don’t take the time to stop and see if there’s something He is trying to show us along the way.  It takes being intentional in all we do in order to truly walk with Him.

God’s desire is to guide you into all He created you to be and sometimes that means He allows storms in your life in between those mountain tops.  Ask God today regardless of where you are in life what He may be trying to teach you.  God is always moving forward and He wants to guide you forward in life as well.  Trust Him and His plan and strive in your walk to be more like Him every day!  His best is yet to come!

Quote:  “Even if you are on the right track you will get run over if you just sit there.”  ~ Will Rogers