Your Part In His Plan Is So Important ~

by | Dec 27, 2022

Romans 13: 11-12,  And do this, understanding the present time:  The hour has already come for. You to wake up from your slumber because our salvation is nearer now than when we first believed.  The night is nearly over:  the day is almost here.  So let us put aside the deeds of darkness and put on the armor of light.

So, Paul was encouraging the Roman Christians to live as though the Lord could come today.  Unfortunately, too many Christians have developed the “people have been saying that for years” attitude, and yet the Bible is clear that we are always supposed to be prepared for not only His return but the fact that we are never guaranteed tomorrow.  Now, don’t shut me down yet, this is not doom and gloom, this is to encourage us.  The Lord has a plan, just like the plan for His birth and all He is asking us to do is to live in great anticipation of that plan.  Get excited because everything He is doing and everything He is calling you to do is a part of that plan. You have an important role to play in His plan, so go after all He is calling you to! Remember Jeremiah 29:11-13!  Seek Him with your whole heart.

Part of the reason for our living with anticipation of His return is that we will all choose how we live more wisely if we truly believe that we could be standing in His presence today and answering for those decisions.  What would you read or watch on tv, how would you treat your family, would you talk to that lost person about salvation if you truly thought time is running out, would you be abusive or cheat on your spouse, would you show His love more at the store as you shop for Christmas?  How would it change your life if you truly believed that you could see Him today face to face?

As Christians we should never be complacent about what we believe.  One of my favorite quotes is:  “If what you believe doesn’t affect how you live then it isn’t very important.”  ~ Dick Nogleberg.  There are religions out there that unfortunately people are giving their lives for and too many Christians are afraid to even let someone else know that they believe in God.  How sad.  We need to be praying for a boldness that comes only from the Holy Spirit living within us.  We need to live lives that reflect the fact that the same Spirit that rose Jesus from the dead lives in us.  Our decisions and our behaviors ought to reflect Him.  We should be striving for more of Him to be revealed through everything we do.  

God is so good and He loves you so much!  He wants others to know that He loves them too and He wants to walk through this life with them.  Don’t be complacent.  Don’t allow the craziness of this world to distract you from the one who holds it in His hand.  He sees.  He has a plan.  Trust Him.  Remember that this life on earth is so tiny compared to eternity.  Anything that you find good on this earth will be a thousand times better in Heaven with Him.  Ask Him to show you how you can be His light to a lost and dying world.  Ask Him how you can reflect the fact that truly His best is yet to come so others will see Him this Christmas season and in the days to come!

Quote:  Remember:  “If what you believe doesn’t affect how you live then it isn’t very important.”  ~ Dick Nogleberg