You’ve Got This! đź’•

by | Jul 16, 2024

Ephesians 2:10,  “For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them.”

Do you feel like a Masterpiece this morning?  I hope you do but I know that isn’t how we generally wake up.  Your brain is constantly being trained and it always has been!  There’s constant input going in that shapes everything about how you feel, what your beliefs are, and what you like and don’t like, there’s boundless information bombarding your mind.  That is why it is so important to guard your heart and mind.  You must take control of what you allow in.  There’s so much anger out there, you won’t have to look far for someone who will be happy to tear you to shreds, attacking everything about you,  your family, your job, what you have, what you don’t have, your Mama, your vehicle …. and they don’t even know you!  I am appalled at the anger people spew out on Social Media over the slightest things.  They just tear people apart!  It is absolutely atrocious behavior and they seem to thrive on it.  So, it’s no wonder most people don’t just jump out of bed feeling like a Million bucks!  

We must fight this battle.  How can you fully become all God created you to be if you think you are less than who He says you are?  Here’s a little tidbit to think about:  in Ephesians 2:10 the word “Workmanship” in Greek is poiema which is where we get the word poem.  So you can read that “For we are His Poem…”. You are God’s poem and He is writing your story, but as He writes it full of wonderful things about you, the enemy comes and tries to sling mud, slander, hate, and ugliness in and you must choose whose version you are going to choose today.  Will you choose to believe those hate-filled things someone said and throw in the towel or are you going to grab that towel, wipe your face, and get up and say, “NO!  I am a child of the most High God and He is giving and has given me all I need to be a Masterpiece for Him and to bring Him glory!  No one else’s words matter ~ I am His Poem, His Masterpiece, His Child and I choose today to walk in that!”  Don’t allow this world to get in your head!  Fill your heart and mind with the Words of God and remind yourself that He has a plan for your life and He has put all that you need within you!  You are not inferior!  You are not “less-than”!  You can be more than a conqueror because His Spirit will enable you to if you fill your heart and mind with the Word of God!  The world may throw all sorts of things at you throughout your day but you don’t have to receive what is said.  Satan can be as jealous as he wants, and throw as big a fit as he wants but at the end of the day, it’s only what God has to say that matters!