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1 Thessalonians 5:11
Therefore encourage one another and build one another up, just as you are doing.
Let’s face it, we can all use some encouragement! I don’t know of anyone who would say, “nah, I’m good, save your encouragement.” Life is full of struggles of some kind and it is always good to encourage and to be encouraged. This verse begins though with the word, “therefore” which we always know means that there was something of significance before this.
Therefore means, “for that reason” so we have to look at the verse before it to find out why: “For God has not destined us for wrath, but to obtain salvation through our Lord Jesus Christ, who died for us so that whether we are awake or asleep we might live with him.” We can encourage each other that we live in the day of grace where we are not living under the law of sin and God’s wrath, but because of Jesus we are given God’s grace and salvation. We are blessed with God’s goodness and mercy because of Jesus we don’t get what we deserve.
In Jeremiah 5:25 it says, “Your iniquities have turned these away, and your sins have kept good from you.” God loves you and today your sins can be pardoned in seconds by just asking Him to forgive you, there are no sacrifices to be made, Jesus was the perfect sacrifice! The God of all, wants to grant you mercy and forgiveness so He can bless you with His goodness! We do need to keep this verse in mind though because there are times when we may wonder why we can’t seem to get our prayers answered and at the same time we are practicing sin in our lives that we know shouldn’t be there!
In light of all of this, we need to encourage each other! We need to encourage each other to be all we can be for God. We need to build each other up in Him so we can have victory over the areas we struggle in! We need to be available to be accountability partners on every level so we can all grow into all that we are called to be for God! Instead of being judgmental we need to encourage each other to grow and be who we should be. We need to encourage each other to seek God and to trust His goodness in all that we face! God is good and He loves you and cares about all that you face, you can trust that He will deliver and care for you! The best is yet to come!
“Life begins when you do!” Hugh Downs