As most of you know, I’m asking for help in raising funds to get my new book out for ladies. This new devotional, 365 days and 52 killer chocolate recipes will impact the lives of many women. I know the Lord wants this book to get out to ladies, there is no doubt about that. As you can see from the total on our fundraiser $800 out of $12,000 raised, we need a miracle to hit the goal by late next week. I know the Lord can get the book out any way He would like to. I’m just wondering, can we see a miracle in the next week? I am asking for 5 of you ladies to consider a $1,000 leadership gift. Not everyone can do that size of a gift. You are not buying a gift, book etc… you are taking encouragement to many ladies who are thinking about giving up. I received this letter from a young lady the other day.
“Thank you so much for this word today. I needed it. I have struggled with eating disorders off and on for well over 20years. I have done well fighting it with God’s help for the past 12 years. However over the past few weeks the symptoms have begun resurfacing. I know it is not what God wants for me and my family. I needed the reminder that the lies are from satan and the answer is God.”
You can see how these daily devotionals are making a difference. I am asking for a team of ladies that will go with me to reach more women for God. Perhaps 20 of you would consider a one-time gift of $100, 8 of you doing the $500 level and again 5 of you doing the leadership level at $1,000. I really do believe a miracle can be seen by next week for this outreach. The only thing I know to do is ask you to pray about joining our team. Please CLICK HERE to get more information and to make your gift.
Thank you for allowing God to use you in the miracle we are praying for. CLICK HERE to join the team. Keep in mind any size gift will help us get to the goal. Your card will NOT be charged if we don’t hit the goal. Some have asked, so if the book is published and their is a charge to buy it at all the stores, where is the money going? Great question, the money will go back into Chocolate and God to help pay for ministry. For almost 5 years, Bill and I have paid for everything so the devotional would be free to women who read it in over 60 countries.
God bless,
Janet Scott