Allow His Word In…

by | Nov 27, 2022

Colossians 3:16 Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom, teaching and admonishing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with grace in your hearts to the Lord.

Ok, so this verse begins with you, let the word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom.  Dwell ~ not just in one ear and out the other but dwell, in other words, allow the Word of God to reside in you and become a part of your life and all that you do!  Once we allow God’s word to be embedded in our hearts and minds we are able to lift each other up learning together and holding each other accountable so we can become more Christlike!

What are your friends like?  Are the women you hang out with the most, ladies that you know are practicing this, or do they drag you down?  It is very important in our spiritual growth to have friends and mentors that are able to speak into our lives with Godly wisdom and that will only come from spending quality time with Him!  We need to have friends that are not just there to tell us what we want to hear but that are willing to hold us accountable and lift us up at the same time!  We of course also need those friends that we are also able to encourage and grow with, just be careful if you have friends that have no interest in growing up spiritually, make sure that your focus is to draw them to Him, not to fit in.

When we have God’s word planted in our hearts we cannot help but praise Him. When we praise Him our faith and trust grow and fill us with hope.  The more you get to know Him the more you realize how much He loves you and He wants to guide you into all He created you to be! We will also become more like Christ, and we will grow in wisdom, grace, and love.  

So, ask God before you begin reading each day to teach you through your reading and to help you to focus on Him and His word. I know it can be easy to get distracted so set aside a time and place where there are minimal distractions, even if it means that you either have to get up earlier or stay up later!  Don’t always expect that you are going to receive something that is gushy and fun, this is growing time – look for things that will convict and challenge you to grow to another level!  It takes both the Mountaintops and the Valleys to grow up in Him! Look for His promises in His Word!  Write verses down that speak to your heart and carry them with you! God loves to bless us and show us His promises but there are times it takes a few growing pains to get us to that level of blessing!  I am praying for all of us to find new ways each day to better serve and know Him!

Quote: “If you would lift me up you must be on higher ground.”  Ralph Waldo Emerson