Job 2:10
But he said to her, “You speak as one of the foolish women would speak. Shall we receive good from God, and shall we not receive evil?” In all this Job did not sin with his lips.
Why do we tend to believe that everything is supposed to be comfortable all the time? Oooooooh, I know that is a rough question because each of us would like for things to always be comfortable and good. We would all love to live on that mountaintop 24/7, but that is just not how life on this earth works. So often when things get tough we just want to run and hide somewhere and wait until it is over, but that isn’t the answer either.
When the Israelites went into the Promised Land, as wonderful as it was, there were still battles to fight. Life is that way, no matter where you turn; when you get that new job, you still have to fight the battle to fix the financial mess from the time you didn’t have the money you needed. When you get married, it doesn’t take long, most of the time, for the honeymoon to be over and real life to set in and now it sets in with a whole new set of issues because it is no longer all about you! Having children can be a Mountaintop experience but there are also struggles raising them. There are times when the battles can become so overwhelming that you have to make a decision; will you stay and fight or will you throw in the towel and leave? Hmmmmmm…… what if God is asking you to stay, what if He is asking you to trust Him with it all. What in life is worth fighting for, to you?
I know what it is like when you get to that point where you feel as though you just can’t take or do any more…… that is when you have to be willing to listen though, in spite of it all, and trust Him. God cares about every moment of frustration and suffering you deal with and He wants to bring you through it all better for having been there. Instead of getting angry with Him for what you are facing, I would encourage you to give Him your anger! Give Him your struggle, give Him your spouse, your finances, your children, your singleness ~ give it all to Him and leave it there! Trust Him, your suffering is only for a season: “And after you have suffered a little while, the God of all grace, who has called you to his eternal glory in Christ, will Himself restore, confirm, strengthen and establish you.” 1 Peter 5:10 According to that verse, The Lord Himself, will restore, confirm, strengthen and establish you! Would you rather get angry about your situation or would you rather give it to God and trust Him with it so He can bring you to the other side in a better position to serve Him?
As much as we would like it to be, life is not always all about comfort. There are times when God allows us to go through things so we and those around us will grow. That spouse that is driving you crazy may need some time and prayer in order for them to get to where they need to be ~ trust God with Him or Her! Those financial issues, may need a good program to sort it all out ~ pray about it, give it to God and check out “The Money Couple”, or Dave Ramsey programs. Ask God to give you the strength to do all that He has called you to whether or not it is comfortable. Focus on Him and His strength when you have none! Know that He is the God of All and He cares and He does know what is best, you have to trust Him through it all! Are you a fighter or are you going to give up? You can do this! God can and will give you the strength to get to the other side, you need to spend time with Him on your knees and in His Word and you really need to trust Him! The best is yet to come ~ trust Him for it! (Read Jeremiah 29:11)
“Do what you can with what you have, where you are.” Theodore Roosevelt