John 16:33.
So, are you ready for a “new year”? How was 2018? Was it awesome and full of great things or was it a year that you can hardly wait to put behind you? Are there lessons that you learned that will impact how 2019 goes? Let me encourage you to reflect on what you have learned and the good memories and don’t carry the baggage from the year into the next year! Holding on to grudges or past failures will only hold you back from all that you can do so give them to God and get ready to move forward!
Have you take the time to ask God what His dreams are for 2019? What is on His heart for this new year? How can you best serve Him? What areas have you held back from Him that are keeping you from fully walking in His resurrection power that lives in you? Are you willing to allow Him to work in your life to help you be all He created you to be? If there are areas you are struggling in, He wants to give you victory over that thing! He wants to heal your wounded heart! He loves you!
Are there areas that need to change in your life so you can be the woman of God He created you to be? Are there tv shows that need to go or are you spending too much time on social media? Abby, who is 12 and I have had several talks lately about being careful about what she watches and reads and what music she listens to. She was talking to me about a boy who posts youtube videos that she had been watching that turned out to be something other than appropriate. She said, “when he started making videos he wasn’t like that and it just gradually got worse and I guess I didn’t notice.” I explained to her that, that is how satan works in every area of our lives. He doesn’t start out flashy and horrific, he slowly slides you in until you wake up one day and realize that you are somewhere you never thought you would be. TV shows are that way, the first few shows get you locked in and then they start throwing their “agenda” in and it is more difficult to stop watching it because you are hooked on the story line ~ don’t fall for it, shut it off! Don’t give satan a chance to get his toe in the door of your life! Go in to 2019 with a full set of armor on! (Ephesians 6:10-18)
Get excited about the new year! It is a fresh start with no mistakes in it yet! Ask God to help you prepare so you can be all you can be in the years to come! Ask Him to show you His plan! Know that He loves you and He has a plan fit just for you! (Jeremiah 29:11-13). Determine to seek Him with your whole heart! The best is yet to come!
Quote: “The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step”. ~ Chinese Proverb
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