Isaiah 40:31. But those who wait on the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles, they shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint.
I have had to learn a whole new concept to this verse over the years! I have had things that I believed were the will of God for me to do and I wanted to get going right away! I didn’t want to wait another moment. I know how important it is to get going on something while the excitement is still high but God keeps saying, “wait for just a second, I’m going to get you going but you need to wait a few days.” As my little grandson would say, “awww t’mon!” (translation come on!) I don’t want to wait! I am chomping at the bit to get moving right here, right now! God really spoke to my heart one day about my impatience and said, “don’t you believe I can give you greater success in my time vs. yours?” Ouch! Certainly, He can and He will!
What are you waiting for? Is there something you want to do that you believe is God’s will and you are wondering what on earth is taking so long for things to come together? God’s timing isn’t always our timing, in fact, it seems it rarely is our timing, but He knows best. Have you ever jumped in ahead of God on something and you force it into happening in your time and yet your success doesn’t come any faster than it would have if you had waited on Him, in fact, once it does come you are exhausted and somewhat discouraged because you were doing everything in your own might? I have been there, done that, and it is a waste of time. You are never wasting your time when you choose to wait on God! I’m going to say that again for both you and me, “you are never wasting your time when you choose to wait on God!”
God has a plan, Jeremiah 29:11, “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans for good and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope.” He isn’t making you wait just to annoy you, He has a plan and His plan will work better than yours and His plan involves more than just you, so His timing must line up for everyone. You may think you have this all planned out in your head for yourself and or those around you, but take a step back for a moment and ask God if your plans are lining up with His.
God is good, always good. Trust Him today to do all that needs to be done today for all that He has planned for you and trust Him to let you know when He needs you to move! He will tell you when the time is right so don’t get complacent where you are, get ready! Be all that you are supposed to be today for Him and leave the rest to Him! Do what you can today with what He has put in front of you and allow Him to work on the rest to bring about His best! Don’t hesitate to do your part when He puts it in front of you! Ask Him for discernment to know when to wait and when to get moving!
Quote: “The way you see your future determines your thinking today. Your thinking today determines your performance today. Your performance in the today’s of your life determines your future.” Zig Ziglar
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