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1 Peter 1:15-16
but as He who called you is holy, you also be holy in all your conduct, because it is written, “Be holy, for I am holy.”
On your own it is impossible to be the godly person you are called to be. God has given you the Holy Spirit to give you the victory you need to have in whatever area of your life you are struggling in. We have no excuse to not strive to be all we can be for Him. If you have just recently accepted Christ as your Savior then I would suggest finding someone in your church to walk with you, don’t try going it alone. Talk to the pastor of your church and see if there is someone who can mentor you, I am sure they would love to walk with you and help!
One thing I feel we are greatly missing the mark in is the “plastic” image portrayed at church. If we were more real and open to admitting we are struggling and if we were all more open to the fact that everyone is struggling or hurting in one area or another, we would grow. The “plastic image” needs to go! I am not saying we run around airing our dirty laundry to everyone but I am saying that it is a shame that some people almost seem to have 2 personalities, one for church and one for everywhere else. A true walk with God is not something you can fake and if you are doing it for any reason other than Him, you are no more than a Pharisee looking for attention. The sad thing is that, unfortunately people don’t feel “safe” to say they need help, they fear only facing condemnation instead of restoration and even more sad than that is when someone doesn’t really want to change until they are “caught”.
God has given us His Holy Spirit to dwell within us and His attributes are: Love, joy, peace, long-suffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self control. If you have accepted Christ as your Savior then these attributes reside within you all you have to do is give every area of your life over to Him and ask the Holy Spirit to give you the strength you need in any area you are lacking in. It is yours for the asking!
Let’s make this year the year that we begin the journey to strive, like never before to be more like Him! No more excuses! No more, “this is just the way that I am” attitudes! Let’s all pursue Him with all we have; spending more time in His Word and more time on our knees in Prayer! Let’s strive to be more Holy because He is Holy! The best is yet to come!
“Life begins when you do.” Hugh Downs