Romans 12:10 Love one another with brotherly affection. Outdo one another in showing honor.
If you really want to compare yourself to someone else or compete with others then take a look at who loves people more and who is more willing to give someone else honor instead of seeking it themselves! Does your life revolve around you? Do you feel as though everyone’s life around you needs to stop for yours or maybe you live with someone like that and you aren’t quite sure how to handle that?
If we truly want to be more like Jesus then we need to focus on loving others instead of just ourself. The world is full of people that are busy making sure that they are comfortable and happy, not caring about the hurt they bring on those around them. We want others to treat us with love and respect but do we treat those around us with the same love and respect we expect? How would you feel if those who love you talked to you the way you talk to them? How would you feel if they treated you with the same level of respect you treat them with? If your main focus is YOU then your walk with God is off because when your walk with God is right He will help you love others.
There are so many ways we can show honor to others that we probably don’t even think about. Take interrupting conversations for example; when we interrupt others we are saying in a sense, “what I have to say is far more important than anything you could possibly have to say so therefore I need to cut you off a second so everyone can hear this.” Hmmmmm, ouch! Have we not all done that before? How much love does that show? If we are going to outdo each other with honor then we could start by truly listening to the other person and if they are the type that you are never going to get a word in edgewise then maybe the wisdom of what you were going to say can just be saved for another person and another day! It really isn’t usually that vital for us to have our opinion heard and if it really is a situation where it is then at least find a way to respectfully work it in.
Let’s all pray today that God will help us (one day at a time) to show others brotherly love and to show us how to show others more honor than we insist on having ourselves. Can you imagine the difference there would be in the world if everyone was trying to outdo each other in giving love and honor instead of trying to outdo each other in receiving it!
Quote: “Each of us will one day be judged by our standard of life, not by our standard of living; by our measure of giving, not by our measure of wealth; by our simple goodness, not by our seeming greatness.” William ARthur Ward
Great message! One thing hit home with me. When someone you love interrupts what you are doing I have a tendency to cut them off instead of listening to what they say. God forgive me! Thanks! I’ll ask them to forgive me. Love & Blessings.
Thanks Audrey!
God Bless,