Romans 8:28. And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose.
No one wants to go through the tough times that life throws at us and some people go through struggles beyond our comprehension, things that I can’t even fathom, but God is able to take whatever it is and turn it into something amazing in our lives.
When God allows us to go through struggles here on earth, He uses those things to better equip us to serve Him better. I look back over my life and there are things I don’t fully understand that I have faced but I can definitely tell you that I wouldn’t be the woman I am today if it weren’t for all of those things. Now, let’s face it, I have a long way to go and there are things I am still learning to give to God to make me all I can be. Sometimes we would rather just sit and hold a pity party instead of saying, “ok, here God, I’m done with all of that, please help me to be a better, not bitter person because of it!” It’s those things that I hold on to that make people who know me think…. “what is her problem?” The problem is that we have to give it all to God in order for Him to work in us to help us become all we were created to be.
Job 14:1, “Man who is born of woman is of few days and full of trouble.” Well, I guess we all know that and we all know we all have troubles of differing levels, but it is still a choice of what you are going to do with those troubles ~ wallow for a while in the pool of self-pity or give them to God so He can help you move forward. That pool stinks after a while you know.
James 1:2-4, “My brethren, count it all joy when you fall into various trials, knowing that the testing of your faith produces patience. But let patience have its perfect work, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking nothing.” People often ask if all these things are God’s will for our lives and the answer is a big fat NO most of the time, but we make mistakes and we live in a sinful world so bad things are bound to happen. Remember this though, God can use anything and turn it into something good. When the Israelites were in the Wilderness and they had been eating manna, they wanted something different like meat. I can understand that, but instead of asking God for it they started complaining and talking about how much better off they were before God rescued them from Egypt. Then Moses got frustrated trying to deal with them and when he was done fussing with God about the people God’s response was, “Is the Lord’s hand shortened? Now you shall see whether my word will come true for you or not.” In other words, why after all that Moses had seen, would He think for a moment that if they would ask for meat that God couldn’t handle it? God was wondering when they would ever learn to trust Him instead of constantly complaining.
So, what are you going to do with all the “stuff” you have been through or that you are facing now? Are you going to hold on to it for a while or are you going to ask God what you can do to give it all to Him so He can heal your wounded heart, give you strength, or break those addictions, deliver you from that horrible situation or whatever else it may be? The choice is yours today; do you allow this to make you bitter or better? What’s it going to be? Make good choices and you will see that the best is yet to come!
AND of course right now, as we deal with the CoronaVirus we all need to exercise grace with each other. Instead of getting angry with your situation, if you are able and healthy maybe there’s something you can do to help others. Instead of judging the lady with the full cart stop for a moment and remind yourself that you don’t know how many people she may be feeding or who she else she may be shopping for. There are a lot of elderly people out there in need who may need someone to do their shopping for them or deliver some meals to them. Let’s all take a look around and see who we can help get through this!
Quote: “The best way out is always through.” Robert Frost
Please take a moment and share your prayer requests and pray for others as well: CLICK HERE
Ladies, I am so excited to share with you that my book is now available. This would be great to buy and give to someone who is struggling or for your Ladies Group to go through together, or even for someone who doesn’t know the Love of God yet. CLICK HERE. The new book is a 90-day devotional to help you grow in your understanding of His love which in turn will give you hope and grow your faith. ALSO: PLEASE, if you have ordered the book would you please go to Amazon and leave a review? Thank you so much for your support in spreading the word!