Proverbs 18:21. Death and life are in the power of the tongue, and those who love it will eat its fruits.
You have a choice, whether it is for your own life or for those around you. Your words make a difference! You can speak life over your own life and those around you or you can choose to speak words that destroy and tear down. Speaking negative, hateful words destroy.
My Dad always used to say, “Think twice before you say anything!” My cousin Louise and I heard that from him constantly while we were growing up. I remember one day when we were little we got in an argument (we were like sisters and spent a lot of time together) and she said something mean to me so I responded with something hateful and instantly I felt the Holy Spirit say, “how would you feel if someone said that to you?” Ugh! I may have been young but the conviction was strong so I apologized and never forgot! I have no idea what childish thing we were arguing about or what was said, but I have never forgotten the piercing conviction over my words.
You can’t take those words back. You can apologize and ask for forgiveness but those barbs leave their mark on hearts.
What words have you been using with your spouse, parents, your children and yourself? Are they words that will build up and help all of you to be all you can be for God and build your relationships or are they words that destroy and tear down? It matters! Tearing someone else down is not going to make you feel better about yourself! Matthew 15:18-19 tells us, “But what comes out of the mouth proceeds from the heart, and this defiles a person. For out of the heart come evil thoughts murder, adultery, sexual immorality, theft, false witness, slander.” How are your words lining up with those verses? Do you need a “heart check-up”?
God wants to heal your heart! He wants to see you full of His love for others. He wants that love to overflow to those around you. You can’t love others if you don’t love yourself! If you are struggling with your words then it is time to ask God to show you what you need to do. Are there hurts from your childhood that you could use some counseling for? Is there a past relationship that has left scars that your heart seems to be struggling to heal from? What is it? God loves you more than words and He cares and wants to see you through to the other side of this! He wants to heal your wounded heart but you have to be willing to allow Him to and you may need someone to walk with you through it. Open your heart up to His healing. Spend more time with Him ~ you are going to have to get intentional about it!
Now, on the other side of this…… how do you speak to yourself and how do you allow others to speak to you? Maybe you aren’t the one speaking the hateful words to others, maybe you are so beat down you have found yourself speaking the things you have come to believe those things about yourself that satan has told you through someone else? The first thing you need to do is check your own thoughts and spoken words about yourself at the door of your mind! Don’t say, “I will never lose this weight” or “I will never accomplish anything” ……… whatever it is that is negative that you are saying ~ Stop it! Don’t allow anyone else to say those things to you either! Guard your heart and mind and ask God to show you what you need to do! Seek Him on a daily basis so you can be reminded of who you are to Him! He loves you and He has a plan for your life! He wants His best for you so seek Him with your whole heart today! Change your heart ~ change your words ~ change your life!
Quote: “Graciousness is more than good manners. It is more than courtesy. It is the etiquette of the soul. True graciousness has such a divine quality we feel it is something that comes through us and not from us.” ~ Fred Smith
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