Hey Ladies, we are counting down the days for our campaign and we could really use your help. I would like to encourage you if you know of someone who may like to get involved to share this with them today. Also, is there one of you who maybe has been blessed that would be able to help us with a $1,000 gift today in order to reach more women around the world? Please check out our campaign by just CLICKING HERE
2 Chronicles 20:20b
Believe in the Lord your God, so shall you be established; believe in his prophets, so shall you prosper.
Satan is the father of lies and his goal is to fill your mind with lies to keep you defeated and down and depressed. There is a book written by Frank Minirth and Paul Meier titled “Happiness is a Choice”. It is a great book and if you haven’t read it and you are struggling with feeling down all the time I would recommend it highly. There is a lot packed into that little statement – Happiness is a choice! Most everything in life is a choice and whether or not you choose to believe God or you choose to believe the lies Satan tells you is totally up to you.
I have talked with people that no matter how many times or how many ways I would try to tell them how much God loves them and cares about what they are going through they would rather be miserable and believe Satan’s Lies. How sad, when God has called us all to live in His freedom. The freedom from fear, addictions, sin filled lives and other unnecessary struggles. I know how difficult it is to fight off those lies at times I have believed enough of them myself and only to my own detriment! Believing the lies is typically a reflection of past hurts and has never helped me through any circumstance it has just left me defeated and down.
I am learning to stop and pray when I feel those lies and feelings coming on, for God to reveal truth to me and that He will help me believe it when He reveals it. My days are so much lighter and more fun when I choose God and the truth over pity parties and the lies Satan has for me. Trust me, it is a pit to dig out of but it is worth the climb!! The best is yet to come for you!
“Whether you think you can, or think you can’t …. You’re right!” Henry Ford