Decisions, Decisions, Decisions… They Matter

by | Aug 21, 2021

Proverbs 3:5-6, “Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding; In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths.”

Decisions, decisions, decisions, we all have them every day and more of them matter than we sometimes realize.  A decision you make today may affect generations to come.  As you read through the Bible you can see over and over the decisions that were made that not only affected the person making that decision, but their families and the people around them and often it wasn’t just for that moment it was for generations.

When we ask God to guide us in our decisions then we can know that He will use it for good.  When we go our own way and choose to do our own thing or maybe what seems okay with the rest of the world then we can expect calamity.  As Christians, God’s opinion ought to matter all the time, in every decision we make.  There’s so much confusion waiting to grab hold of you because satan’s desire is to destroy you and those you love.  He wants to keep you from what God has planned for you.  No matter who you are God would like to use your story to glorify Him and to draw others to Him, but that isn’t going to happen if you are choosing to go your own way and do your own thing.  God has a plan for your life ~ how bad do you want it?

Esther had a choice, David had a choice, Ruth and Orpah had a choice, Elijah had a choice, Moses had a choice, Abraham had a choice, Paul had a choice…. The list is endless but the point is that just like them you have choices.  You have a choice each week whether or not you will take your family to church.  Everyday you have the choice of how you will walk, talk, dress, and how you will treat others.  Every day you have the choice of how you will treat God!  You have the choice of whether or not you will trust Him today with all that is weighing heavy on your heart.

God wants to walk with you and guide you.  He loves you!  He wants to shed light on your path when you just don’t know what to do anymore.  He wants to be your knight in shining armor.  He loves you!  Will you choose to run those decisions by Him today?  Will you choose to seek Him with your whole heart, holding nothing back?  I would encourage you to make the best choices in all that you do ~ it will make a difference not only in your life but in those around you!

Quote:  “We are free up to the point of choice; then the choice controls the chooser.”  ~ Mary Crowley