Do You Need Some Light Shed On That Path You’re About to Take?

by | Oct 31, 2013

Psalm 119: 105  Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path.

Do you ever feel so confused you feel as though you are walking through life in the dark?  Decisions all around you seem overwhelming to make and you get to a point where even making a decision seems like a monumental task?  We are always to rely on God to direct our steps but it is in these times of feeling unsure of what to do that we need to rest in Him and trust Him to direct our steps, keep us sane and safe and get us through to the other side.

It is easy when we get in a panic to make wrong decisions so it is important to rely on Him to light the way for you.  The last thing you want to do is take off in your own direction and then have to find your way back to the path you are supposed to be on.  Spend time in God’s Word, be still and allow Him to guide you through the uncertainties you face.  Often things are not what they may seem.  You may feel as though you are about to head off a cliff because of where everything seems to be heading, but God has a plan and it is for your good (Jeremiah 29:11)  Don’t panic looking for a way out of where God is leading you!  You don’t know what is at the end of the path He is taking you down, so trust Him.

Spend time alone in prayer!  Don’t just spend time talking to others about your fears and frustrations, go to Him.  Tell it all to Him and allow Him to work on your behalf.  Don’t look for anyone else to be your answer, God will bring what is best to pass.

If there are decisions to make and you are unsure, ask God to give you a verse, ask Him for His direction.  Seek His will with your whole heart and He will bring it to pass!  The best is truly yet to come if you allow Him to light your way!

Quote:  “Even if you are on the right track, you’ll get run over if you just sit there.”  Will Rogers


  1. Anni Shelton

    I love the way you teach us, Janet!!

    • admin

      Thank you Anni!