Don’t Get Distracted

by | Jun 22, 2022

Matthew 6:33-34,  “But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.  Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself.  Each day has enough trouble of its own.

If you look around there’s a lot going on that is quite disturbing and could give you plenty of cause for worry, but that cannot be your focus.  I am not saying that we should be ignorant of what is going on but our focus must be on Him.  The verses right before these talk about the fact that God knows what you need and He doesn’t want you to worry about any of it.  He takes care of the birds of the air and clothes the flowers with beauty and He will take care of you!

It is so easy to get caught up in all of the “what ifs” but Jesus was very clear about the fact that you must take it one day at a time.  What if those “what ifs” are actually not something terrible, but what if you focus on God and those turn out to be a time of blessings, not a disaster?  Yes, we all face disasters, storms, heartaches, and decisions we don’t want to make, and too often you may feel as though you are flying blind, but trust God because He can see, He loves you and He cares about it all.  He has a plan and He wants to take everything that satan meant for harm and turn it into something good so His light can shine through in your life.  Believe me, I get it!  If you are following God’s leading in all that you do, then you can trust that He knows the outcome and He isn’t going to leave you to face anything alone, whether it is a storm or a beautiful blessing!  Give it to Him and trust that He cares about you ~ not just everyone else, but you!  He loves you.  Maybe you have never really truly felt loved before so that is hard for you to comprehend, if so then ask Him to help you see, feel, and walk in the confidence of His love for you!  He doesn’t want you to wonder, He wants you to know that you mean the world to Him!  You are precious in His sight!  Not one tear you have shed has escaped His notice and He is working on your behalf even when you don’t see it or feel it.  

Seek Him today in all that you do!  Seek Him so you can make the right decisions.  2 Chronicles 12:14 says, “He (King Rehoboam) did evil because he had not set his heart on seeking the Lord.”  Don’t make the same mistake!  Seek God in all that you do!  You don’t have to be struggling in life for you to seek Him.  It’s crazy to wait until things are bad to seek God!  Choose to walk closely with Him every day.  You don’t have to figure it all out on your own ~ spend time alone with Him in praise, prayer, and listening to what He has to say.  Don’t get anxious and bolt ahead, pray about it and seek Him and His answers no matter how small or large that thing is!  He’s got you and He knows what is best so trust Him and allow Him to bring His best to your life as you seek Him!  His best is yet to come!

Quote: “We are free up to the point of choice; then the choice controls the chooser.”  ~ Mary Crowley.    “Don’t just make ‘good choices’, make the best choices.” ~ J. Scott