Don’t Let What Is Going On Rob You Of Your Peace!

by | Aug 9, 2023

John 14:27  “Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you.  I do not give to you as the world gives.  Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.”

Once you have experienced His peace and His presence you know you don’t ever want to live without it!  The world is full of anything but peace.  There’s so much anger, violence, frustration, lies, lack of hope, fear and the list of negative goes on and on and on!  You don’t have to live like that.  You don’t have to be full of anger or hopelessness.  If you have accepted the Lord as your Savior He is offering you His peace.  

One thing I have learned is that when the storm rages or everything seems so dark around you and you can hardly see, you can have peace.  When all hell comes against you trying to bring you down and keep you from all God has planned you can still have His peace.  When you heart is broken beyond what you feel you can bear you can have His peace.  When it looks hopeless you can still have hope because His peace tells you that He’s got this and He will carry you through when you just can’t walk and He will guide you when you can’t see, and He will calm that storm in His time.  His love is beyond what any of us can comprehend and if we just seek His face and we trust Him understanding how much He loves us His peace will flood you with that confidence that He’s got you.  It’s like a small child clinging to their Daddy because they know He cares and He will protect, vindicate, comfort and bless.  He wants to scoop you up and help you through whatever life throws at you, but if you are fighting and kicking it isn’t the same as it would be if you just bury your head in His shoulder and allow Him to do what He sees fit.  He sees what you can’t see, He knows what the future holds.  His goal is to help you become all He created you to be.  We live in a sinful and crazy world because people don’t seek God, we need to be the light.  Unfortunately the way we usually learn about His peace is by everything around us raging to the point that we have to truly seek it.

If you are on that mountaintop right now I would encourage you to take this time to really seek His face.  Thank Him for all He has done!  Write it down!  Celebrate every victory, every blessing, every answer to prayer and share His goodness and grace with everyone around you.  Remind them of Who brought you to that place!  Help Him draw others to Him by understanding His goodness and His love for them.  Be the light!  Be that helping hand!  Ask Him what His dreams are for your life too and ask Him what you can do to be a blessing to someone going through the fire right now?  He blesses us so we can be a blessing ~ don’t forget that.  

God sees, He knows what has been said and done, He is your vindicator, your rescuer Your healer, your way maker.  He loves you and He wants you to rest in His presence.  He will heal your heart, He wants to guide you into something new.  Will you seek His face today?  Will you give Him your heart and mind, your hurts and pain, your storm?  Allow Him to do a new thing in your life knowing that then truly His best is yet to come in your life!  

Quote:  “Courage doesn’t always roar, sometimes it’s the quiet voice at the end of the day saying, ‘I will try again tomorrow.’”  ~ Mac Anderson