Deuteronomy 5: 32-33 “So be careful to do what the Lord your God has commanded you; do not turn aside to the right or to the left. Walk in obedience to all that the Lord your God has commanded you, so that you may live and prosper and prolong your days in the land that you will possess.”
We all know that there are many seasons in life and we all experience valleys and mountaintops. Some valleys can be so dark and overwhelming that when He brings you out of all of the heartache and frustrations you can be so excited and overwhelmed with His goodness that you don’t pursue Him like you did when everything was going wrong.
Don’t miss out on growing closer to Him in your promised land! If you are still in that storm, you can know that this came to pass and there will be a day when God will bring you out of it, but don’t forget Him when He does! Determine in your heart to pour yourself into getting to know Him more when He is blessing you just like you do when you are desperate for Him to help you! It is way too easy to just coast when things are good and let our time alone with Him slide. We should be spending as much time in prayer when we are experiencing God’s blessing as we do when everything is going wrong. He wants to spend time with you. If you don’t have anything weighing heavy on your heart for your situation then find others that need you to go boldly to His throne for them! Spend even more time in His Word, join a Bible study, volunteer at church or wherever God made lead you to minister to others. Whatever you do, don’t neglect your time with Him!
God loves you more than words can say and He wants you to pursue Him no matter where you are in your life. Don’t neglect your time with Him!
Christmas is coming and it is a great time to allow Him to shine through in your life. Guard your heart and mind and don’t forget Him in all of the hustle and bustle of the season. Allow Him to use you to draw others to Him!
Quote: “If what you believe doesn’t affect how you live, then it isn’t very important.” ~ Dick Nogleberg
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