Isaiah 49:23b
Then you will know that I am the Lord, those who wait for me shall not be put to shame.
Are you having a difficult time waiting? You know God is moving and change is about to happen but you have no idea what it is or when it might come to pass even though you know there are time frames that have to be met and as a result, you are about to pull your hair out because of the anxiety you are feeling inside. It is hard to deal with the frustrations at times when you know God has it all under control but you just wish you had a little clue what was about to happen and when. Trust me, I know exactly how that is!
If you will wait on Him and fully trust Him, He will bring it all to pass! He loves you and will not allow you to be put to shame for having trusted Him. If you allow Him to lead you now while you can’t see what is next He will bring everything about in such a way that everyone will know that it is Him! His glory will shine through your answers and your future if you just wait on Him and trust Him to show you in His time.
I have to admit that there are days that I get frustrated waiting and it takes everything in me to keep it together and not allow satan to take over my thoughts. He just loves to attack during our times of trusting and waiting to fill our heads with all kinds of doubts about what God has planned; does He really have a plan, have you missed the plan, is the plan really for your good, are you sure you are hearing from God! All of those little nagging thoughts satan tries to fill your mind with will eat away at your faith if you allow them to. As soon as you get a thought like that reject it and focus on God, knowing that God always has our best interest in His mind.
If you are struggling today I would encourage you to know that God knows your deadlines too and He has a plan and He will bring it to pass so you can relax and trust Him and focus on what you need to do instead of wasting time worrying about the details He is already working on. You will be amazed as you watch God’s plan unfold in front of your eyes if you will just trust Him! Know that He cares and He didn’t bring you to this point to allow you to fail, He brought you to this point to do great things through you! The best is yet to come! Hang on!
“It’s in the struggle itself that you define yourself.” Pat Buchanan
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Dear Janet,
Every one of your daily devotionals has been so spot-on! Thank you for serving the Lord so faithfully – it is so appreciated!
many blessings, Dana
Thank you for your encouragement Dana! Have a blessed week! 🙂 ~ Janet