Don’t Worry, God’s Got Your Back!

by | Nov 30, 2012

1 Samuel 14:6   Jonathan said to the young man who carried his armor, “Come, let us go over to the garrison of these uncircumcised.  It may be that the Lord will work for us, for nothing can hinder the Lord from saving by many or by few.”

The Lord’s abilities are not hindered by how much or how little you personally have.  God wants us to believe just like Jonathan did in this verse that the victory wasn’t up to him and his armor bearer it was up to God.  God loves to show Himself mighty in our lives by accomplishing what only He can do.

In the New Testament we have all of the stories of the miracles that Jesus did including feeding the 5,000 with just 2 fish and 5 loaves of bread in Matthew 14.

Are you worried about something that no matter how you figure it you just don’t have all that you will need to do what you need to do?  Are there just not enough of your finances to cover everything, are you feeling you don’t have enough time, is there just not enough of you to go around?  Give it to God, do what you should do and leave the rest to Him.  Allow Him this opportunity to show Himself mighty in your life and the lives of those around you.  Are you afraid?  Ask God to show Himself mighty by surrounding you with His angels and giving you the comfort you need to rest in Him.

God gave Jonathan and His armor bearer victory to the point that the Philistines turned on themselves and there was a tremendous slaughter that began by 2 young men just trusting that the battle was the Lord’s and He didn’t need a whole army of men to accomplish it.

Trust God today to finish the job!  Do your part and pray and seek Him and then allow Him to do mighty things in your life so you can glorify Him in all you do!

Quote:  “Wherever you choose to go, go there with all your heart.”  Simple Truths