Psalm 90:2. Before the mountains were brought forth, or ever you had formed the earth and the world, from everlasting to everlasting you are God.
If you are in need of hope today or more faith, healing or comfort, remember Who He is! When you pray today about that heavy burden or that desire of your heart, go to Him remembering who it is you are talking to!
Think before you begin! You are going to the throne of God! The one and only God who has created everything that ever was is and will be! He is all-powerful and Holy! He is the God who sees and knows all and He loves you! He is the God who heals, He is a God of miracles! Praise Him for who He is and allow those words to fill your heart with faith and hope for all that you need and all that you may face! He truly cares!
We do need to remember that we are talking to a Holy God and that is also not to be taken lightly! We need to give Him the honor He deserves when we talk to Him. He is worthy of all of our praise and respect! It is no little thing that we are allowed in His presence and that He wants to hear from us!
We also need to pray, knowing that He knows what is best! We need to pray as Jesus did when He said, “if it is possible…….. but not my will but, yours be done!” His plan and His outcome from His plan are by far better than what we plan! Trust Him! There’s nothing on this earth that ever happens, where it only affects one person! Everything that happens, whether it is good or bad, happens to more than just one! God sees all and He knows how every detail will affect every individual involved. The world would like us to think that every decision is just about us so it doesn’t matter, but that is simply never true! Trust Him! Believe me, there are times when I want God to do things my way and I would like it done immediately and I get impatient and God reminds me, that it isn’t just about me! Ouch! Yup! It’s a tough reality to remember that my life isn’t just about me! There’s so much more and part of that more (a very big part) is how it will affect all of eternity, not just for you, but for those whose lives your life touches!
He is an amazing God and He is bigger and more powerful than anything or anyone you may be facing! He’s got this! Go to Him confidently today, trusting Him, and knowing that His best is yet to come!
Quote: “Faith believes in spite of the circumstances and acts in spite of the consequences.” ~ Adrian Rogers
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