Psalm 46:10
He says, “Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth.”
Is God trying to tell you to “hush” right now? I find myself sometimes going to Him and rattling on and on about everything that comes to mind, whether it is about me, or my husband, children, other people on my prayer list, the world, our President, a good parking space at the grocery store, things I think may need to change and just like that, He says, “Janet, hush for a minute!” I can get so caught up in “my list of things” that I don’t stop for a minute to hear His heart!
If you are feeling overwhelmed or heart broken or even if you are on the “mountain top” right now, it is so important, everyday to just take the time to stop and just sit in His presence. If you can just get a couple minutes with no one talking, I don’t even turn praise music on for a few minutes and just focus on Him and ask Him to show you what is on His heart. What is He dreaming about today? What would He like to see accomplished in your life? How does He think your day would best be spent? What does He feel needs to go? Just rest in Him for a minute and allow Him to just hold you and speak to your heart. We seem to get the impression that the only time God “holds” us is when we are hurting and yet He loves us and just like you love to hold your child, He loves to hold you through every experience you have. I remember when my children were babies there were times I hated to put them down when they were sleeping, I just wanted to hold them forever. They were so peaceful and not wiggling or crying, they were just resting and I just wanted to soak up every peaceful moment I could get! God loves those peaceful moments with you too! He loves you so much!
I just want to encourage you today, no matter what is going on to grab some quiet time with Him. Once you find somewhere quiet, sit down and the first thing I do is just spend a minute praising Him for who He is but then just stop and allow His peace to fill you and for Him to speak into your life, instead of your telling Him what needs to happen, and you will find that He will give you the wisdom and strength you need for your day! (Side note: the reason I don’t turn praise music on is because I get distracted by it and find myself focused on the music and I miss the quiet time with Him) Don’t miss out on that time with Him, you will find you never want to get up from it, but at least when you do you will be empowered for the rest of your day! The best is yet to come!
“We may not be able to do any great thing, but if each of us will do something, however small it may be, a good deal will be accomplished.” ~ D.L. Moody
Please take a moment and share your prayer requests and pray for others as well: CLICK HERE
Dear Janet,
What a wonderful message… Thank you for sharing about loving the moments when your children were sleeping and wanting to just keep holding them… I never thought about our Heavenly Father desiring that sort of quiet time with His children.
Thank you for giving a new perspective to my quiet time with Him (I realized there has not been any quiet time recently — me talking a mile a minute needing Him to show up in so many areas). I am going to be quiet today <3
God bless