Give All of Those Attacks To The Lord…

by | Sep 9, 2021

1 Peter 5:8,  Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil walks about like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour.

He is after you and satan doesn’t have a problem using whatever means necessary to do that.  Yes, it gets old and the battle can be wearisome, but ignoring it will just leave you and those you love vulnerable.  Lying is one of his favorite tools and all you have to do is hear what the world is trying to tell you and you can see the lies everywhere.  What the Bible says is right, the world will tell you is old school or wrong and you need to be more open-minded or more “tolerant”.  That doesn’t mean that you run around acting like a Pharisee either, beating people over the head with your Bible, it means that you live a life that shows who God is and what is right.  It’s time to engage in that battle and choose to stand for what is right for your sake and the sake of those you love.

God loves you and the first thing satan will try to get you to think is that God doesn’t really care or why would there be so much evil in the world.  Well, the evil comes from satan, that’s why.  God loves you and He knows your name and He has a plan for your life and the only way to find that is to focus on Him and His Word! He will give you all you need to ward off any attacks of satan, whether it’s lies, abuse, health issues, anxiety, addictions ~ give it all to Him!

So, how can you defeat what satan is trying to bring against you?  You must get determined to focus on your walk with God.  Ask God to show you what lies satan is trying to use to destroy you.  Ask Him to guide you in your walk with Him.  What can you add to your life that will help you to know God more?  Don’t settle for just that Sunday service, is there a local Bible study you can get involved in?  Is there an area you help serve in?  You will be amazed at how much you learn when you serve others.  How’s your prayer life?  Are you intentional in your time alone with God?  The best way to defeat satan’s attacks is to spend more time with the one who loves you ~ Jesus!  If you can be kept from spending time with Him then the battle is already won.  Your strength and faith and direction are found in Him.  Where are you really headed if you are not seeking God and His direction for your life?  How can you win if you don’t spend time with the one who wants to defend you?

Jesus already won the war, but you must walk with Him in order to ward off the attacks that satan wants to bring against you.  You must pray for God to reveal truth.  God is all about the truth and satan is a liar.  Pray for truth.  Pray for His guidance.  Pray for God to shut down the attacks of the enemy and to give you the grace and wisdom to know God more.  Pursue God in all that you do!  You can stand as a light in a dark, dark world if you will just allow God to guide you and fill you with His light and truth because you know that truly His best is yet to come!  God will judge satan and all of the evil in this world.  He is not finished yet.  He will vindicate.  He is looking for Christians who will stand regardless of what the world may say or think.  The more time you spend in God’s Word the more you will see that standing for God is not always going to be comfortable, but how will the world know the truth if we don’t ward off satan’s lies and stand on the Word of God to show them?  God is calling you today to be a warrior.  You don’t have to stand alone, He will stand with you.  You don’t have to figure out the “how” He will show you if you seek Him.  Don’t be complacent ~ there’s a battle going on and it is for the souls of the people around you.  Our time here is short and eternity is a long time, which one will you choose to work on?

Quote:  “Beautiful light is born of darkness, so the faith that springs from conflict is often the strongest and best.”  ~ R. Turnbull