2 Kings 1:3 But the angel of the Lord said to Elijah the Tishbite, “Arise, go up to meet the messengers of the king of Samaria, and say to them, ‘Is it because there is no God in Israel that you are going to inquire of Baal-zebub, the god of Ekron?’”
God has not moved! He is still right there beside you so don’t look for your answer elsewhere. God is so much bigger than what you are facing and the “whole picture” of everything going on is way beyond what you can see or fathom. So, don’t give up hope and don’t put your faith and trust in anyone or anything other than Him!
Silence can be frustrating, ‘no’ can be frustrating, but if you will just trust that He is bringing the best answers to you and you continue to be faithful, the best is yet to come. In the last chapters of 1 Kings Jehoshaphat King of Judah asked King Ahab to go to war with him but asked him to inquire of the Lord first to see what God had to say so Ahab brought in his favorite prophets of God and asked and they said “Go, God is with you.” But, Jehoshaphat asked if there wasn’t another prophet that they should ask and immediately Ahab started whining because Micaiah spoke truth and it was usually not what Ahab wanted to hear. If he had listened he wouldn’t have died in the battle but he wanted his own way. Make sure whatever it is that you are looking for is within the will of God. God always knows what is best even if it isn’t always what we want to hear.
You may not understand right now but trust me you can certainly trust that God will do what is best for you. I have friends that are unable to return to the mission field and I am sure they are wondering ‘why’ but they are trusting and resting in the fact that God will do what is best for them. Take one day at a time and trust that God is working and is going to do what is best. Don’t worry about tomorrow, God never intended us to take more than one day at a time, we don’t know what tomorrow may bring. Today may have your answer so why would you worry about tomorrow!
Quote: “Each day comes bearing its own gifts. Untie the ribbons.” Ruth Ann Schabacker
Thanks Janet for your timely message.
I do so appreciate your messages.
May this bring Encouragement to you as you continue your writings.
God always looks at our HEART, not our outward appearances.
May the Lord bring you Blessings Today you were looking for 🙂
Sisters in Christ Forever 🙂
Look so forward each day to reading your devotionals. I’m praying about my job and each day God speaks to me through them.